Daily Devotions 5th May 2016



Pray to hear and receive from God, the Faithful One

Reading : Colossians 1 verses 21-23
Meditation : take time and give thanks that God sent Jesus and all that He has done for you!

Pray in response to have a stronger faith in Him
O Lord Jesus
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You!
Amen and Amen and Amen.


Make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer at this time of Election Day
O Sovereign Lord, hear our prayers and guide our nation we call out to you.


Reading : read these 3 verses again

Reflect on their truth and then pray in response –
Father God, hear our thankful evening prayers.

Daily Devotions 4th May 2016

Visit of PrayForScotland Shield to LK at 11am


Pray to hear and receive from God

Reading : Colossians 1 verses 15-20
Meditation : consider who this Christ Jesus is…as shown here

Pray in response to God to know Him above all else
O Lord Jesus, my Saviour and Lord,
Through whom I alone know God the Father,
Receive my prayer of praise and worship I ask
And help me to know You more and more
In all Your glory and grace, even this day.


Pray for the work of Blythswood, reaching out to others in need
And PrayForScotland.org.uk in our nation at this time.
O Lord God, hear our prayer


Reading : read the verses again

Reflect on their truth at the end of the day and then pray
Eternal God, hear our prayers

Daily Devotions 3rd May 2016

Upper Room day


Pray to hear and receive from the God who keeps His word

Reading : Colossians 1 verses 9-14
Meditation : consider this great prayer by Paul…..words of Scripture for us today

Then Pray – asking God to make each truth here a reality in your life at this time
(Pray your morning worship to this God in your own words
Words of thanks for His promises
In His Word, the Bible
And that they are real for you.
Through Christ Jesus, His Son)
Amen and amen we say together.


Give thanks for other believers who support and encourage you
Lord, bless them real good we pray.


Reading : read these words again from Paul

Reflect – and pray in response to the LORD God
God of truth, come into my prayer of praise and worship to You.
Thank you for today, and as I count my blessings
Help me to trust Your words more
And to open my life afresh to Your grace in Jesus, Name above all names.
Amen I pray.

Daily Devotions 2nd May 2016


Pray to hear and receive from Father God.

Reading : Colossians 1 verses 3-8
Meditation : consider these truths and why Paul is so thankful!

Pray to God in response…giving thanks for faith seen in others
And Holy Spirit,
As You build Your church all over the world
Receive all our praise and thanksgiving this day!
Amen and Amen!


Pray for believers in India who are imprisoned for their faith in Jesus
O God of grace, hear our prayers and bless them real good we ask.


Reading : read these verses again

Reflect on their truth for your church and Pray in response
O LORD, hear our prayers.

Daily Devotions 1st May 2016

Baptismal Service at LK 6.30pm


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : COLOSSIANS 1 verses 1+2
Meditation :  consider Paul’s opening words here to these believers in Colossae

Pray to have Paul’s servant heart – and pray over verse 2 for others in your church
God of the Colossians,
God of Paul,
Our God,
My God,
Hear my morning prayer I ask
And make me more like the Servant King.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Take time to listen for God to speak with you….ask, seek, knock…hear
God of love and grace….thank you……and bless those taking the step of baptism tonight!


Reading : read verse 2 again

Reflect on these words and Pray for other believers
LORD God, God of amazing grace,
Thank you for today and all its rich blessings,
And for those you have blessed,
Hear my evening prayer.
And receive my requests
According to your grace and mercy
In Christ Jesus, Amen.


Daily Devotions 30th April 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : Romans 16
Meditation : consider all those mentioned here (have you read the complete list??)

and Pray in response to our God…giving thanks for all in your church!
O God,
Hear my morning prayer
Of thanksgiving
Of confession
For others.
Bless each one in my church I ask…and add to those who are being saved
Even in our nation..our city..our street
Amen we pray together this new day.


Pray God’s blessing on all whose names come to you at this time
LORD, bless them real good we ask!


Reading : read verses 25-27 again

Reflect on this God and then Pray in praise to Him at the end of this devotion,
Giving thanks for His amazing grace and gift of eternal salvation in and through Christ Jesus.
LORD God, our God, hear our prayers, as we return our thanks to You.