Celtic Devotions 14th September


Reading :  James 2 vs1-4
Meditation :   consider James’ words of teaching here against favouritism
Pray in response
Lord Jesus
I have read these words,
Help me to put them into practice more
Even today.     Amen.

Pray for someone you know in need of food and clothing
(Is there something more than prayer you could now do to help them??)

Reading :  James 2 v4
Reflect ….confess…. pray in response to God, for God-like thoughts

Celtic Devotions 13th September


Reading :  Psalm 128
Meditation :   consider the words of this psalm – what is God saying to you from it?
Pray to experience a Sunday blessing – wherever you are worshipping!
LORD of gracious blessings
Hear our morning prayer
And grant us Your favour afresh this day.
Amen we say together.

Pray this psalm as a blessing on a fellow pilgrim

Reading :  Psalm 128 v 5
Count your Sunday blessings from God – and praise Him in prayer!
(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise – for who God is and for His peace to you.
Words of trust and thanks – for what God has done today for you)
Amen we pray together.

Celtic Devotions 12th September


Reading :  Psalm 127
Meditation :  consider what this psalm says to you on this day
Pray for God to bless our city!
LORD God, our God
Hear our cry for our city!
Visit us again by your Holy Spirit.
And turn hearts to seek You.
Oh make our churches places where Jesus is lifted high!
May even the children sing out His Name in our streets!
Amen and Amen we cry together.

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of the day

Reading :  Psalm 127 v 2
Reflect ….. and pray ….. then sleep!

Celtic Devotions 11th September


Reading :  James 1 vs 22-27
Meditation :  consider how we often treat God’s Word– and then
pray to listen out for God’s voice – and to obey it
(Pray your own words of response to God’s Word this morning)
Amen we say this morning together.

Pray a blessing on those who serve the community through Liberton Kirk Centre.

Reading :  James 1 vs26-27
Reflect on these verses
And Pray in response, to be Godly in speech and living

Celtic Devotions 10th September


Reading :   James 1 vs19-21
Meditation :   consider how to be quick….slow….slow….
Pray for Godly hearing, speech and anger
LORD God, Father God
Hear my words
Make me more like Jesus I humbly pray.
Forgive my foolish ways.
Amen and amen we say together.

Pray to be more like Jesus in listening and speaking – even today

Reading :  James 1 vs19-21
Reflect on these words again at the end of the day
and pray in response to God with confession and humility

Celtic Devotions 9th September


Reading :  James 1 vs 13-18
Meditation :  consider where and when temptation is close to you –
then pray to wear God’s armour at all times
Spirit of the Living God,
Help me understand these words
Help me to wear God’s armour at all times
‘Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil’
In Jesus’ name I ask,   Amen.

Pray a blessing on those who work in hostels across our city

Reading :  James 1 v 17
Reflect on these words and pray with thanksgiving to God the Father