Celtic Devotions 29th April


Reading :  Psalm 4 v1
Meditation : consider that God hears our prayers.
Pray to Him with confidence.
Father God, high in heaven,
Thank you for hearing my prayers, here on earth.
Help me trust You with an answer
The ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘wait’
Or however You speak to me.
In Jesus’ merciful  name,  Amen we pray.

Pray for the church’s Prayer Team on duty at the 11am services.
Hear our prayers through Christ our Great High Priest. Amen.

Reading : Psalm 4 v 8
Reflect on David’s words of trust and Pray in response.
…..and sleep well!

Celtic Devotions 28th April


Reading :  Psalm 3
Meditation :  consider David’s situation.
Pray for God’s protection.
O God, our place of safety and security,
Help us to rest in you, even this day,
Even if we are feeling weak or somehow attacked .
We hand over to you our circumstances – good and bad.
In Jesus’ safe name we pray, Amen

Take time and make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer at this time in the day.
Together, Lord, we say Amen.

Reading : Psalm 3 v 3
Reflect on David’s words.
Pray in response with confidence.

Celtic Devotions 27th April


Reading :  Psalm 2
Meditation :  consider that our God reigns.
Pray for world leaders in our times.
Sovereign God, thank you for this new day.
We pray for our Government, our Queen,
We pray for leaders of all countries in our times.
May they acknowledge you as King,
May they seek Your truth and justice,
May they show Your mercy to their people,
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray a country in the world known to you, its ruler, people and Church.

Reading : Psalm 2 vs 10-12
Reflect on what it means to fear God.
Pray in response for our world.

Celtic Devotions 26th April


Reading :   Psalm 1
Meditation :  consider the images in these verses and
Pray to be rooted deep
(Pray your own words on this Sunday morning
Of worship, Of trust, Of need)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray a blessing on Tom Cuthall who was preaching today

Reading : Psalm 1 v 2
Reflect on what has delighted you today
And Pray to delight in God’s Word
God of grace
Thank you for all the blessings of this day
Hear my prayer
And help me to take delight in Your Word
More and more
In Jesus’ Name,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions 25th April


Reading :   Acts 4 vs 1-12
Meditation :  consider the words of verse 12
Pray in praise for Jesus.
‘How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear’
‘Jesus, name above all names’
We lift His Name higher than any other
In our prayers of praise
In our lives this day.
In His name we pray, O God our Father, Amen.

Pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing tomorrow as we gather together!

Reading :
Reflect on these words and pray in response at the end of your day.

Celtic Devotions 24th April


Reading :   Acts 3 vs 17-26
Meditation :  consider the past prophets
Pray to understand
God of every day and every year
Thank you for prophets of old
Who spoke Your words.
Help me understand them
More and more.
Even this day
Amen and amen.

Pray for those who serve us in leadership at Liberton Kirk

Reading : Acts 3 vs 19-21
Reflect on these words and
Pray for ‘times of refreshing’