Celtic Devotions 27th September


Reading :  Psalm 18 vs 30-50
Meditation :  consider all that is said about God here –
then pray in praise to Him
To God alone be all the glory!
Great things You have indeed done!
Praise You – three-in-One!
Hallelujahs and Amens aloud we pray!

Pray for LK to be known as a place of ‘the word of the LORD’

Reading :  Psalm 18 vs 32-36
Reflect on your day and then pray evening praise!
For all of today
I thank You.
As I have opened my lips
So may my heart be ever open to You
Help me to worship You aright
And so please God my Father.
In Your name I ask these things,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions 26th September


Reading :  Psalm 18 vs 1-29
Meditation :  take time and consider these great verses of trust in the LORD God
–  and then pray to trust the LORD more
(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise
Of trust)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing tomorrow as we gather together

Reading :  Psalm 18 vs 25-29
Reflect on these words spoken by David – and pray in response

Celtic Devotions 25th September


Reading :  James 4 vs 13-17
Meditation :  consider how we actually plan our tomorrows– and
pray to live according to God’s timetable more
Father God
Again these are not easy words at times to follow
Help me
Help us
To make them more of a reality in our living
Today, tomorrow and forever!

Pray for those who serve us in leadership at LK
LORD – bless them real good we ask

Reading :  James 4 vs 13-14
Reflect ……and
Pray for tomorrow

Celtic Devotions 24th September


Reading :   James 4 vs 1-6
Meditation :  consider how these verses speak to you – which verse speaks most to you?
Pray in response not to be an enemy of God
(Pray your own words
Words of response to what you have read and pondered.)
Amen – we pray together.

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you
even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading :  James 4 v 6
Reflect on these words – what does it mean to be humble?
And then Pray in response.

Celtic Devotions 23rd September


Reading :   James 4 vs 1-6
Meditation :  consider how these verses speak to you – which verse speaks most to you?
Pray in response not to be an enemy of God
(Pray your own words
Words of response to what you have read and pondered.)
Amen – we pray together.

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you
even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading :  James 4 v 6
Reflect on these words – what does it mean to be humble?
And then Pray in response.

Celtic Devotions 22nd September


Reading :  James 3 vs 13-18
Meditation :  consider what is heavenly wisdom
– pray for  understanding
Father God
I read these words
Help me understand what You are saying
Even to me
And teach me more of Your wisdom
In Jesus’ Name

Pray for the Upper Room, a place set aside to know and hear God

Reading :  James 3 v 14
Reflect on this verse
and Pray in response