Celtic Devotions 27th March


Reading :  John 12 vs 20-22
Meditation :  consider the request made in these verses.
Pray to see Jesus.
Jesus, whom others did see,
Open my eyes to see You,
To follow your steps,
Even through this day.
I simply ask in Your Name,

Pray for those who serve us in leadership at Liberton.

Reading : John 12 v 22
Reflect on who you shared Jesus with today – by word or action.
Pray for them by name.

Celtic Devotions 26th March


Reading :  Hebrews 5 vs 1-10
Meditation :  consider our Great High Priest – and pray to Him your morning prayer.
Pray in your own words
Words of worship
Words of confession
Words of need
Words for others
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your Thursday midday prayer.

Reading : Hebrews 5 vs 7-10
Reflect on Jesus’ life on earth
and Pray to Him now.


Celtic Devotions 25th March


Reading :  Ezekiel 37 vs 1-14
Meditation :  consider how these verses speak to you.
Pray in response and expect God to answer in a new and living way.
Spirit of God, search me afresh.
Spirit of God, blow through me anew.
Spirit of God, revive my soul again.
Spirit of God, restore my life in Christ this day.
Amen we pray together.

Say nothing
• take time to listen for God to speak with you
• even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading : Ezekiel 37 v 14
Reflect on the indwelling Holy Spirit
and Pray in response.


Celtic Devotions 24th March

Reading :  Jeremiah 31 vs 31-34
Meditation :  consider the New Covenant made by God.
Pray for understanding.
God of covenant and promise, we turn to you.
God of truth and grace, we listen to you.
God of faithfulness, we need you.
Amen and amen we pray this day to you.

Pray for a longing to know God more.

Reading : Jeremiah 31 v 33
Reflect on what God is asking of you.
Pray in response – with all of your soul.


Celtic Devotions 23rd March


Reading :  Psalm 51
Meditation :  consider David’s honest words.
Pray for God’s mercy.
O LORD our God, I humbly bow before you,
With words of confession and petition,
praise and thanksgiving.
I seek Your grace and mercy afresh this morning,
In Jesus’ precious Name,   Amen.

Pray for someone outside of the church family you know.

Reading : Psalm 51 v 15
Reflect on this verse……and open your lips in praise.


Celtic Devotions 22nd March


Reading : 1 Peter 1 vs 3-9
Meditation :  consider how our God wants to bless us in Christ Jesus.
Pray a blessing on our Kirk.
God of daily blessings, bless us even this day.
God of amazing grace, shine upon us.
God of our salvation, thank you for Jesus our Saviour.
In Jesus’ name we ask this for our Kirk and our community, Amen.

Pray a blessing on a fellow disciple.

Reading : 1 Peter 1 vs 8 and 9
Reflect on how God has blessed you this day.
Pray in response with thanksgiving!
O LORD our God, You have richly blessed us
We return our thanks and praise to You alone –
Over and over again!
Turn Your face towards us again we ask –
And pour out blessings in Christ upon us.
In Jesus’ holy name, Amen and Amen we cry.