Daily Devotions for 23rd November 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Three in One

Reading : Luke 4 verses 14-30
Meditation : take time to consider these events and words.
What is God saying to you today? What is your response?

Then pray in response….to keep in step with the Spirit today.

O LORD our God,
Thank you for these words
And all they teach me.
Thank you for Jesus.
Thank you for your Holy Spirit.
Oh help me even today to keep in step!
Amen and amen!


Pray a blessing from God on David Hill and the work of Try Praying
O LORD, hear our prayers


Reading : read verses 18-21 again

Reflect on the words read and then praise God in response!

LORD God, Father God, our God, hear our evening prayers

Daily Devotions for 22nd November 2016


Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord

Reading : Luke 4 verses 1-13
Meditation : consider how Jesus dealt with temptation…. and what God is saying to you today

Take time with God and Pray in response

O God,
Make me more like Jesus….
In His name, Amen.


Pray the Prayer for the Month as your midday prayer
(This can be found in LK magazine or online under the Prayer tab)
O Lord, hear our prayers


Reading : read these verses again

Reflect….on what Jesus did and said and then Pray….in confession and trust

God of victory in the desert, hear our prayers.

Living in interesting times – a thought for Advent!

The story goes that in Ancient China the worst thing you could wish on anyone was that they would live in ‘interesting times’ – times of uncertainty and instability. There is a feeling in the air these days that, here in the West, such ‘interesting times’ are now upon us.

In my twenty years of ministry here at Liberton, I can think of no time when there has been greater uncertainty about the future. Referendums, presidential elections across the pond, up and coming elections in key European states, and the rise of China and its impact on the global economy, all point us to the reality that in the months to come we will be facing a ‘perfect storm’ of change.

To those of us who lived through the upheavals of the last century, such times are not a new experience. The First World War, the rise and fall of fascism, and the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall were all significant events that changed the world. To those who have lived most of their lives since then, however, change on the scale we are currently facing can be an unsettling thing.

Living in ‘interesting times’, however, can also have its positive side. It forces us to face up to the fact that being in full control of our lives, our community, and the future of our nation is actually an illusion. It forces us to take a step back and rethink our own values and priorities. It make us take a hard look at all the things we do, and ask if they are really as necessary as we think they are.

Traditionally, Advent is the season when we prepare our hearts and lives for the coming of Jesus, and, whatever happens in the coming year, this is one reality that will not have changed. So, here’s a thought for Advent. Think of it as a God-given time for thinking and praying about the things in your life that really matter, and then let these priorities influence all you say and do – not just over the Christmas season, but in the ‘interesting times’ to come.

Much love


Daily Devotions for 21st November 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : Luke 3 verses 1-20
Meditation : take time and consider all that is said here….
What does it say to you today?

Pray in response

(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise and worship
Of confession and trust
Of understanding and need)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Pray God’s blessings on someone in need known to you
O Lord…hear our prayers


Reading : read verses 1-6 again

Reflect on what God has done in your life and what He wants to do
and then pray to Him in response

Father God, hear my prayers.


Daily Devotions for 20th November 2016


Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : Luke 2 verses 41-52
Meditation :  take time and consider the boy Jesus here.
What strikes you from these verses?

And then pray in response – to be about Father’s business today

O Father God,
Thank you for what I read.
Help me to please You afresh this day
In thought and word and action
.…just like Jesus.
In His Name, Amen.


Take time to listen for God to speak with you – ask, seek, knock – hear!
O Lord, thank You.


Reading : read these verses again from Luke 2

Reflect on how they apply to your life and then Pray in response

O LORD, hear our evening prayers we ask.

Daily Devotions for 19th November 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : Luke 2 verses 21-40
Meditation : consider the events here in this part of the Bible…..what do they teach you?  What is God saying to you today?

And then Pray in response to be a faithful follower of Jesus – even today

O God,
Hear my prayer
And help me I ask
To be more like Simeon and Anna
True and faithful to your purposes.
Amen we pray together this new day.


Pray for the Church across our land to know Sunday blessings tomorrow!
LORD, bless real good we ask!


Reading : read the verses again

Reflect on these events…. and then Pray to their God

O LORD God, our God, hear our evening prayers.