What would Jesus say to David Bowie?

Lindsay and I are both early morning people, and we usually set our radio alarm for 6.30am, so that we can spend half an hour listening to the news before getting on with our day. Last Monday morning, therefore, made for interesting listening.

The 6.30 headlines were, firstly, about plans to close the Calais refugee camp, and secondly, the meeting of heads of the worldwide Anglican Communion. At 6.45am, however, there was a newsflash to announce the death on Sunday of David Bowie, following his eighteen month battle with cancer.

Next up was an interview with the Justin Wellbye, the Archbishop of Canterbury, about the future of the Anglican Communion. “Before we begin,” said the presenter, “what are your thoughts on David Bowie?” By 7.00am, the headlines had changed, with David Bowie top of the list. These headlines were followed by a report from Calais, which had to be cut short. The reporter had clearly put in a lot of work and was expecting to be given a longer slot. “Sorry we have to stop you,” said the presenter. “You may not have heard, but David Bowie has died.”

At the time, we couldn’t help but wonder – if this is how Radio 4’s flagship news programme is dealing with this, what is the mainstream media going to be like? Sure enough, for the rest of the day David Bowie’s life and achievements were given wall to wall coverage.

Don’t get me wrong. The vinyl collection in my attic includes four of Bowie’s first five albums, and over the years I have both enjoyed and admired his musical genius and artistic creativity. But, at the same time, I know that there were sides to Bowie’s character that I didn’t admire, and I would not have recommended him to anyone as a role model.

All this has caused me to reflect on what this says about our society today, and its relentless capacity to idolise.

The biblical definition of an idol is that it is something ‘man-made’ and attractive, but ultimately false, and which draws us away from God. If you’ve been one of the millions of people who have viewed Bowie’s final album, ‘Dark Star’, which was released two days before his death, you may well have been given even more reason to wonder about the motives behind it. Although already acclaimed as a masterpiece, it is hardly reassuring on the theme of dying. It does, however, appear to be a deliberate attempt by him to lay a claim to the notion of ‘Bowie the god’ – someone who, even in death, would welcome our worship.

By now David Bowie will have met with his maker, and will have had to look back on his life in the clear light of God’s truth. But what about us? Who and what do we worship, and where does God come on our list?

Much love, John

Celtic Devotions 31st January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord
Reading :  Genesis 50 vs 15-26
Meditation :  consider Joseph’s words here especially v 20
Pray to his God, our God in response
Lord Jesus
As I read these words
Thank you for Joseph and his faith in You.
Help me
To trust You more,
Even this day.
May the Holy Spirit cleanse me afresh – again and again
And may I let You lead my life
even bringing good out of bad
In Your name I ask, Amen.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own prayer
Lord, hear our prayers

Reading :  Genesis 50 v 20
As Genesis closes, Reflect on this God, how He led men and women of faith,
how they trusted Him with their lives and the lives of others -and then pray to trust Him more
For all of today – and all of Genesis
I thank You.
As I have opened my lips
So may my heart be ever open to You
Help me to worship You aright
And so live to please You
More than any other.
Rest Your hand of blessing on others I pray
Even this night.
In Your name I ask these things,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions February ’16

 February 2016

As we move through 2016 you are encouraged to take time each day and use the daily devotional guide –  we start by travelling through PSALM 119 and then take up Catching the Wave (the booklet proved by TryPraying) as we enter the period of Lent. The Devotions are one way to feed on God’s Word in the morning, at midday and in the evening….. to Pray with Him continually through your day…and even to share with others the treasures or hurdles that you discover along the way.

More information?  See the Daily Celtic Devotions posted….the magazine…..and the comments under the Prayer tab…..

Celtic Devotions 30th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit
Reading :  Genesis 48
Meditation :  consider how theses verses speak to you – and then
Pray in response, seeking God’s true blessing in your life afresh
(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise and worship
Of trust and willingness
Of expectation to receive)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of the day.
Thank you, O Lord.

Reading :  Genesis 48 vs 15 and 16
Reflect on these words of blessing again and then pray God’s blessing on another person
Father God, hear my prayers.

Celtic Devotions 29th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from God
Reading :  Genesis 46 vs1-7, and 26 – ch.47 v12
Meditation :   consider how God brought this family together again, after many years apart
and then pray to this God who made it happen
O LORD God of this story, of this family in history
Our God of grace and compassion,
Who hears our cry for mercy.
Thank you for what we read.
We call out to You for our nation, our city, our families, our own lives –
Flood each one with Your goodness.
Today, tomorrow and forever!
We ask, according to Your amazing grace and mercy,  Amen.

Pray for Edinburgh to experience God’s saving grace
O LORD, our God, hear our cry!

Reading :  Genesis 47 vs 2-4
Reflect on these brothers meeting Pharaoh, after all they had done
then Pray to the God of undeserving mercy and great provision!
O LORD, hear our prayers and receive our praise!

February ’16 Magazine

LibKirkFeb16 copyWe’ve just updated the Kirk magazine page, so get all your up to date information and news for what’s happening in the parish in the February edition. Highlights include a great article from Ruth Davies about the Bicentenary Year on page 9, Claire Hills thoughts about the last season at Evening Worship on page 16, an invite from Grant and Judy to help find an accountant or book-keeper on page 24 and so many more great articles, puzzles and prayers, as well as the church diary and daily devotions for February. Get your print copy now from the Church, the Kirk halls or download a copy from the Kirk Magazine page.