Celtic Devotions 7th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from the Living God
Reading :  Genesis 11 vs 1-9
Meditation :   consider what God did here  –  why??
Pray in response to please Him, even today
O God of yesteryear and of today
Of Babel and of Scotland
Of mine
Teach me how to live
That I might please You above all others
Even this day
In Jesus’ Name I pray these words,  Amen.

Pray for someone you know at a crossroads in their life
God of grace, hear my prayer.

Reading :  Genesis 11 vs 8 and 9
Reflect on your day – then pray in response and worship to God
God, our God, hear our prayers.

Celtic Devotions 6th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from the LORD
Reading :   Genesis 9 vs 1-17
Meditation :  consider these words of covenant promise from God
and then pray to Him in response – believing His promises are true and certain
(Pray your own words
Of praise and trust
For understanding
And of need
To this great God of promise)
Amen we say together.

Pray God’s blessing on the residents and staff at Liberton Hospital
God of promise, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Genesis 9 v17
Reflect on what God has promised you and Pray in response to Him
God of Noah and of rainbow, hear my prayer.

Celtic Devotions 5th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from Jesus.
Reading  : Genesis 6 vs 5-22; 7 vs 17-24; 8 vs 13-22
Meditation :    consider all that happened here – how God felt – how Noah acted
how others reacted – how our world is today
Pray in response
Hear our prayers
Heal our world
Help us to be a Noah this day.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your own prayer at this time of day  – ask, seek, knock – listen!
Master, speak – even to us.

Reading :  Genesis 6 vs 5-8
Reflect on these verses and pray in response
O God, hear our evening prayers.

Celtic Devotions 4th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from Father God.
Reading :   Genesis 4
Meditation :  consider this family torn apart by murder
Pray for families you know – and for those who committed a murder, in our prisons
Father God
Oh hear our prayers.
May your blessing rest on those we name before You
Amen and amen.

Pray God’s blessing on parents and families in our churches
Father God, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Genesis 4 vs 1-5
Reflect on these again and Pray aright to our God in response.
O God, may our evening prayers be pleasing to You.

Celtic Devotions 3rd January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit.
Reading :  Genesis 3
Meditation :   consider what went wrong –   Pray to understand
and then pray not to be someone who blames others
Prayer of response
Help me to realise the extent of how much You have forgiven me
And help me to love and serve and worship You all the more.
Even this new day.
I pray this simple prayer in Jesus’ name,   Amen.

Pray a blessing of God’s grace on all the churches in SE Edinburgh
God of mercy, hear our prayer.

Reading :  Genesis 3 vs 8-13
Reflect on these words and pray not to hide from God
LORD God, at the end of this Sunday
I bring my evening praise, my prayers, my life
And I now lay them all down before you.
I read these familiar verses again and
God of grace and forgiveness,
I ask for Your help to walk with You anew – even now.

Celtic Devotions 2nd January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from the Lord
Reading :   Genesis 1 v26 – ch.2 v3
Meditation : consider these words about our creation as human beings
What verse stays with you in your thoughts?
And then Pray with thanksgiving and trust to the LORD our Creator
(Pray your own words
Of praise and worship
Of need and confession
To the LORD our God
This new day)
Amen and amen we say together!

Pray for God’s blessing on all who will meet in our churches tomorrow
Father God, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Genesis 1 vs 29 and 30
Reflect on these words…the food you have eaten today…the meals shared with others…
and pray in response.
God, our God, thank you for our daily bread this day.