Tuesday is UPPER ROOM day

A place with space.

A space for time out with God.

A place to pray…meditate…reflect…pause…

A space for praying for Big Alpha.

Sofas, cushions, candles, Bibles, books, windows……are all available to be used.

7.30am – 7.30pm

7.30-8am…12 noon – 12.30pm and 7-7.30pm……Offices of prayer for those available to pray with others.

2.45-3.45pm….a time of contemplation

9am-4pm….the café below is open

Pray for Big Alpha

Jesus drew near and said to them, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18‭-‬20 GNB

Lord Jesus help us, oh help us, to put your words into practice.

UPPER Room Tuesday

Tomorrow – 7.30am-7.30pm – a place with space – for time out with God.

The room above the Kirkgate Café becomes the UPPER ROOM.

There is plenty of time and space for you – with sofas, Bibles, music, cushions, candles, a cross of thanksgiving and the Big Alpha prayer tree…..

There are offices of prayer together for 20-30 mins at 7.30am…12 noon and 7pm.

** There is a Church Gathering for Prayer in the Kirk at 7.30pm
as we hand BIG ALPHA over to God
(2 Chronicles 20 and Philippians 4.4 are worth a read if you are unable to join the Church Family)

** The Kirkgate Café will be open 9am-8pm.

Pray for Big Alpha

This morning we are encouraged to pause in prayer for this venture.

We are invited to name before God 3 people we have a desire to see meet with Jesus.

Father God, hear our prayers and with amazing grace give eternal life and salvation to those we name. May each and all meet with Jesus sooner rather than later. We ask these things in Jesus name,  Amen.