Daily Devotions for Tuesday 9th February, 2021

Time-Out Tuesday with God

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : 1 SAMUEL chapter 1

Meditation : consider all that is said here… at the start of your day.
Elkanah…Hannah…and Eli.
What is God saying to you from His Word today about Prayer?

And then Pray in response to what you have read
Bringing your request to Father God

Father God,
I have read these words
And now I pray for you to work them out
as a living reality in my life – even today.
Hear my requests
I believe
Help my unbelief
In Jesus’ name.

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
…..and respond to His voice….
Father God…thank you.

Reading : read the verses again from 1 SAMUEL 1
Reflect prayerfully on these events…. And then pray as your day closes

LORD God, our great God,
For all of today
I thank You,
Even for those things that have caused me fear and concern.
Help me to rest in Your unfailing love and on Your faithful Word
As I wait for tomorrow.
As I look around at this world
In these days.
Have mercy O Lord!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pause to Pray with Others

On this particular Monday..as the nation journeys through this further stage of Lockdown.. you are invited to pause and pray with others in our city and across the nation…to the LORD our God, our Father God.
We are now pausing to pray at 6pm each day instead of 5pm as a result of the fresh Call to Prayer yesterday across the nation and the world from the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture.

You are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus

For family and friends and neighbours

For all bus drivers in our villages and towns and cities at this time

For NHS and Care Home staff across the nation

For our country and our national leaders at this time of decision making

Daily Devotions for Monday 8th February, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God, the Eternal One

Reading : NUMBERS 6 verses 22-27

Meditation : take time to consider these words afresh this morning.
A Priestly Blessing.
Which words stay with you?
Who needs God’s blessing today as your turn to Prayer?

Then take time to Pray in response
And for at least 2 other people known to you at this time

O LORD our God,
God of rich blessing,
Thank you. Thank you.
Bless those we name before you.
We ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on the land and people of Yemen
O LORD, hear our prayers at this time of day and have mercy we ask.

Reading : read the set verses again from NUMBERS 6
Reflect on their meaning for you and pray in response…to Father God

O God of blessings, our heavenly Father, hear our evening prayers
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sinned against us even today.
O pour out a blessing on those we name before you
In our family
In our street
In our Church family
In our world
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Call to Sunday Evening Prayer

As part of your daily rhythm of prayer and devotion you are invited to pause with God at this time of the day

You are invited to revisit the Daily Devotions for today from PSALM 18.7-19

You are encouraged to take time out with God as you step into a new week

You are invited to name others in need known to you