Daily Devotions 5th August 2016


Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God

Reading :   1 John 1 verses 8-10
Meditation :  consider John’s words and how they apply to your life at this time….

And then take time with God in prayer at the start of the day
Father God
Hear my prayer
In Jesus’ Name


Pray for the Church worldwide to know Sunday blessings this weekend
Amen and Amen, O God.


Reading : read the verses again

Reflect on the truths here and then pray in response at the end of your day
O Lord, hear our various prayers.

Daily Devotions 4th August 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : 1 John 1 verses 6 and 7
Meditation : take time and carefully consider all that is said here….
What is God saying to you? What is your response?

Pray in response to God…honestly…humbly
Father God,
Break and melt and mould and fill me
All over again
From the inside out
As I confess my sins.
Guide my daily steps
At work, rest and play
This day I pray
As I thank you so much for Jesus!
Amen…in His Name.


Pray for the work of TryPraying across our land
God of grace and mercy…and and answered prayers…hear our prayers. 


Reading : read these two verses again

Reflect on the words and their truth and then Pray in response this evening
Father God, hear my evening prayer.

Daily Devotions 3rd August 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God

Reading : 1 John 1 verse 5
Meditation :  take time to consider what these words teach you about God….
What is your response?

Pray in response to this God…our God of true Light
I read these words,
Teach me who You are
And how I should then live for You
In light rather than darkness
Even this day.
 Amen I pray.


Pray with thanksgiving for another believer who supports/encourages you
O LORD God, hear our prayers and bless them real good we ask


Reading : read this verse again

Take time to reflect on the truths …. and pray in response to this Godd
Amen and Amen we pray, O God

Daily Devotions 2nd August 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : 1 John 1 verses 3 and 4
Meditation :   consider why John wanted to share Jesus with others
What is God saying to you today from these verses?

Pray in response to have this same desire…joyfully!
O God of John,
Our God,
Help us to make these words we read
A living reality…day by day
With the help of Your Holy Spirit within us
And may Jesus be lifted high in our words and actions even today.
Amen we say together.


Pray for those in Government who confess Jesus as Lord
Lord, hear our prayers and use them real good we ask.


Reading : read the verses again

Reflect if they are true for you at this time.. and then Pray in response
(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise – for who Jesus is
Words of trust and thanks – for what God has done today for you
Words of hope and longing – for what God will do in and through you
in bringing Jesus to others – even tomorrow)
Amen we pray together.

Daily Devotions 1st August 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God our heavenly Father

Reading : 1 John 1 verses 1 and 2
Meditation :  consider John’s opening words here about who Jesus is…
Who is Jesus for you? What is God saying to you today?

and then pray to know Him as your only source of Eternal Life
(Pray your own words in response to what you have read and meditated on )
Father God,
In and through Christ Jesus alone we pray this morning, Amen.


Pray God’s blessing on believers in parts of Africa under persecution
LORD, have mercy and hear our prayers.


Reading : read these verses again

Reflect on the words….. and pray in evening response
Father God, hear our prayers

Daily Devotions 31st July 2016


Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : JOHN 17 verses 25 and 26
Meditation :  take time and consider Jesus’ words here

and then pray humbly in response, to know God more and more and more!
O LORD my God,
Father God,
As I read these words
Jesus’ words
Make them true in my life
I ask this day.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Pray for the Church in our land to know Sunday blessings!
O LORD, our God, hear our cry!


Reading : read these verses again

Reflect on the words and then Pray in response to this God, our God
O LORD, hear our prayers we ask.
Keep us One in Christ
Make us truly His followers
And use even us
To lead one and another to Him.
We pray this at the end of this month
In Jesus’ name, Amen.