Celtic Devotions 13th December

Reading :  John 8 vs 1-11
Meditation :   consider all that happened here, and who was involved
Pray in response…for forgiveness, and not to point at others who sin
God of outrageous grace
Hear our prayers
And forgive us afresh
In Jesus’ name

Pray an Advent blessing on who was preaching this morning
LORD, hear our prayers.

Reading :  John 8 v 11
Reflect on these words of amazing grace from Jesus at the end of your day and
Pray in response
(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise – for who God is and for His grace to you.
Words of trust and thanks – for what God has done today among His people
And for you)
Amen we pray together.

Celtic Devotions 12th December

Reading :  John 7 vs 37-52
Meditation :  consider how people responded to Jesus here…
and then pray in response to believe, even through all the questions
Spirit of Truth
Hear me
Help me
In Jesus’ name I ask,  Amen.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your own prayer at this time of the day.
Father God, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

Reading :  John 7 vs 50-51
Reflect on Nicodemus intervening here and pray in response to Jesus
LORD, my Lord, hear my prayer.

Celtic Devotions 11th December

Reading :  John 6 vs 60-71
Meditation :  consider verses 66….67…68….
– and then pray in response, to be faithful in believing
We read these verses
We believe
Help our unbelief!
Amen we say together.

Pray for those at a crossroads in their faith at this time of year
LORD, hear our prayers

Reading :  John 6 v 69
Reflect on this verse
And Pray, with confession, to believe
LORD God, hear my prayer.

Celtic Devotions 10th December

Reading :   John 6 vs 25-59
Meditation :   consider this Jesus, the Bread of Life–
Pray to feed on Him in your soul
Lord Jesus,
Bread of Life
Of everlasting and abundant Life,
Feed my soul,
That I might not feed elsewhere
Even today.
Amen and amen we say together.

Pray a blessing on those who will use the Café today at LK.
Father God, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

Reading :  John 6 v 35
Reflect on where your soul has fed today and pray to God, in response
Father in heaven above, hear my prayer.

Celtic Devotions 9th December

Reading :  John 6 vs 16-24
Meditation :  consider why the disciples were afraid here and all that happened
because of Jesus.
and  pray to Him in response
Lord Jesus
I believe this happened
And yet my fears are so real.
Come to me, Help me by Your Holy Spirit within me,
Even today I ask.

Pray a blessing on the residents and staff at Liberton Hospital.
LORD, hear our prayers. 

Reading :  John 6 v 20
Reflect on these words…and your fears and pray your evening prayer to this Jesus
O Lord, hear my evening prayer to You and come alongside me I cry.

Celtic Devotions 8th December

Reading :  John 5 vs 1-15
Meditation :  take time and consider how Jesus changed this man’s life –
Pray in response…to believe….to worship….to ask….
I read
I wish I had been there
I believe
I ask you this day for…..
Amen I pray in Your precious name.

Take time in silence to listen for God to speak with you.

Reading :  John 5 vs 8-9
Reflect on this man’s new life – because of Jesus-  and pray to Him in response.
LORD, in Your mercy, hear our evening prayers.