Celtic Devotions 24th November


Reading :  Isaiah 52 v13 – ch 53 v 12
Meditation :   take time and consider Jesus, the Suffering Saviour…for our sakes
…then pray humbly in response
(Pray your own words to the Lord
In worship and thanks.)
O LORD our God, receive our praise and hear our prayers.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your prayer
(see magazine or Prayer Tab on church website)
LORD, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Isaiah 53 vs 4-6
Reflect on these words
and Pray in response at the end of the day
Lord Jesus, hear my prayer of humble gratitude.

Celtic Devotions 23rd November

Reading :   Isaiah 48
Meditation :  consider God’s words to stubborn Israel in this chapter
–  and then pray not to be like them – even today!
O LORD our God,
I read these words,
Hear my prayer,
And help me to trust and obey You
With a quicker step
Even this new day!
Amen I pray.

Pray God’s blessing on all those who serve us in leadership at LK
LORD, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Isaiah 48 v 17
Reflect on how God leads you in life and pray in response to Him
  LORD God, hear my evening prayer.

Celtic Devotions 22nd November

Reading :  Isaiah 45 vs 11-25
Meditation :  consider how our God is described here           
Pray in response to Him
LORD God, our Creator God,
As we open our hearts to You this morning
Help us to see You – glorious and majestic!
Help us to rejoice and be glad in You
And to fear You aright in our faith
That You might bless us anew – even today!
Amen and amen we pray together.

Pray for a longing to know God more and more
Lord, hear our prayers!

Reading :  Isaiah 45 vs 15-17
Reflect on our Saviour God and pray to Him!
LORD God, our great God,
For who You are
I worship You.
For all of today
I thank You.
For being with me tomorrow
I trust You.
In Jesus’ powerful name,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions 21st November

Reading :  Isaiah 44 vs 6-23
Meditation :  consider how these verses speak to you…
Pray in response, asking God to show any false gods in your life
and the strength to be rid of them.
(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of worship
Of confession and need)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray in silence for a few moments at this time of day, listening to God speak with you.

Reading :  Isaiah 44 vs 21-23
Reflect …..remember…..sing to your God at the end of the day

Celtic Devotions 20th November

Reading :  Isaiah 43 vs 1-13
Meditation :  consider God’s faithful love for His people in these words
and then Pray through some of the great promises made here – claiming them for yourself
I read
I believe
I trust
Amen and Amen.

Pray for Edinburgh to experience God’s saving grace
O LORD God, hear our prayers!

Reading :  Isaiah 43 vs 14-28
Reflect on what these verses say to you about our unfaithfulness and God’s mercy
And then Pray in response
O God, my God, hear my prayer.

Celtic Devotions 19th November

Reading :  Isaiah 42 vs 10-17
Meditation : consider the images used here in these verses and all it says to you
– and then pray for understanding and to trust this God more and more
O God of the earth and sea,
Of desert and town,
Of battle and childbirth,
Of darkness then light,
We worship You this morning
And say again that we trust in You – and You alone.
In Jesus’ name –  Amen.

Pray a blessing on someone outside of the church family you know
Father God, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Isaiah 42 v 16
Reflect… on how God has led you this day and Pray in response not to wander from Him
LORD, hear my prayer.