Celtic Devotions 26th July


Reading :  Mark 6 vs 45-56
Meditation :  consider what happened in these verses
and all that the disciples saw and experienced
Pray to trust Jesus more
Lord Jesus
I read these words
I know it happened.
Help me
To trust You more,
Even this day
In Your name I ask, Amen.

Pray a blessing on Anne Logan, who was preaching today at Liberton Kirk

Reading :  Mark 6 v 50
Reflect on this verse and give God your fears as you pray to Him
Father God,
For all of today
I thank You.
I put my trust and hope in You,
Even for those things that cause me fear and concern
And I rest in Your unfailing love.
In Jesus’ powerful name,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions 25th July


Reading :  Mark 6 vs 30-44
Meditation :  consider all that happened here
Pray in praise for all God’s great works of miracle He has done
even pray to see one today
(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise
Of trust
Of expectation)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing tomorrow as we gather together

Reading :  Mark 6 v 30
Reflect on these words and in your prayer tell Jesus what you have done today!

Celtic Devotions 24th July


Reading :  2 Samuel 7 vs 18-29
Meditation :  consider David’s prayer – what does it tell you about him and about his God
Pray in response
Make me more like David –
Strengthen my faith in You
And even this day use me.
In Jesus’ name I ask.

Pray a blessing of God’s grace on Andy Chittick and his family

Reading :  2 Samuel 7 v 22
Reflect on this verse and
Pray in praise and trust to David’s God, our God.

Celtic Devotions 23rd July


Reading :  Psalm 89 vs 46-52
Meditation : consider these words – but more so how this psalm ends
and Pray in praise to the LORD
God of this psalm
You are worthy of our praise
Above all others.
Thank you for feeding us from this psalm
And showing us more of who You are.
As we give our morning praise to You
Help us to please You in all our ways –
Even this day –  Amen we pray together.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your Thursday midday prayer.

Reading :  Psalm 89 v 52
Reflect… and Praise God in prayer at the end of your day

Celtic Devotions 22nd July


Reading :   Psalm 89 vs 30-45
Meditation :   consider these verses from years ago – for us today
– what verse are you drawn to? why is that do you think?
Pray in response to what you have meditated on
Faithful and strong God
I give You this day
Whatever is ahead
And all that I am expecting.
Stay with me I ask.
Amen and amen.

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you
even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading :  Psalm 89 v 33
Reflect on God’s faithfulness
and Pray in response to this truth

Celtic Devotions 21st July


Reading :  Psalm 89 vs 19-29
Meditation :  consider God as Father God
Pray to him
Father God,
Thank You that You love us perfectly,
That You are always there for us,
Our Rock and Saviour.
Help us to love You more,
Trust You better,
And live to please You, our Father God.
Amen, we humbly pray in Jesus’ name.

Pray for those who serve on the Care Van with the homeless in our city

Reading :  Psalm 89 v 26
Reflect on how much God loves you
and Pray your evening words to Him