Sunday Evening Prayer with Others

As we step into a new week….. with God – together – you may want to revisit today’s Daily Devotions from ROMANS chapter 11 verses 33-36– as we continue to consider the GOOD NEWS about Jesus through 2022

We PAUSE with the Lord in prayer as the day closes

We REJOICE in the help and blessings He has given this particular Sunday – to us and to others

We ASK for His presence, peace and strength – for ourselves and for others in our church family and our nation and in our world at this time

We YIELD – say Yes – to His Kingdom ways for tomorrow

Thy Kingdom Come – Thanks revisited

As a Church we were part of the global prayer venture earlier this year – Thy Kingdom Come.

This prayer continues around the world!

Each Sunday at Midday we are re-visiting one of the 11 daily themes….and this time we revisit the theme of THANKSas we watch and listen with others on this Sunday….

Daily Devotions for Sunday 20th November, 2022

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : ROMANS chapter 11 verses 33-36

Meditation : take time and consider these great words of praise this Sunday morning.
Praise God!
What do they mean for you today?
What is God teaching/reminding you about Himself?

And then pray in response – using the words as you turn to prayer
Come and praise Him – the Living God!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen and Amen!

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own midday prayer

Lord, we thank You for our founder, Paul
We thank You for his wisdom and resolve
Help us to understand the intricacy
Of his message, and to follow You as a Christian Nation
Built from the ‘nations’.
In Jesus’ name

Reading : read these particular truths again from ROMANS chapter 11 verses 33-36
Reflect on the words and then Pray in response to this God

O LORD God, hear our evening prayers we ask
As we thank you for the blessings of this Sunday
As we believe and trust in you
As we name others seeking you
As we pilgrimage on into this new week
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Saturday Evening Prayer with Others

As we step into Sunday….. with God – together – you may want to revisit today’s Daily Devotions from ROMANS chapter 11– as we continue to consider the GOOD NEWS about Jesus through 2022

We PAUSE with the Lord in prayer as the day closes

We REJOICE in the help and blessings He has given this particular Saturday – to us and to others

We ASK for His presence, peace and strength – for ourselves and for others in our church family and our nation and in our world at this time

We YIELD – say Yes – to His Kingdom ways for tomorrow