Daily Devotions for Sunday 15th July, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God
Reading : DANIEL chapter 6

Meditation : take time and consider these words and images as your Sunday starts.
What is God saying to you today from His Word this morning?
What is your response to Him?

and then pray to Daniel’s God, our God, in response

Great and so worthy of praise.
We bow before You.
We lay our lives before You.
Oh use us
Today and every day!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pray for your church family to experience God’s blessings!
O LORD, God of mercy, hear our cry and pour out a blessing we ask!

Reading : read these verses again from Daniel 6
Reflect on all that happens and is said here and then Pray in response to this God
O LORD, our Great God, hear our evening prayers we ask
As we thank you for what we read.
As we look back over this day
As we look ahead to tomorrow
As we name before you those we are concerned about.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

Daily Devotions for 13th July, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus
Reading : JEREMIAH 1 – chapter 3 verse 5

Meditation : take the time to consider these words this morning.
What was God calling Jeremiah to do and say?
What is God saying to you today?

And then Pray in response – as God leads you
Invite and allow the Holy Spirit to bring words and images to your mind.

Amen – we pray together.


Pray God’s blessing on those facing a medical operation today
Father God, hear our prayers, and bless them each and all real good we ask.

Reading : read the words again from Jeremiah
Reflect on the words you have just read and pray in response
Lord Jesus, hear our evening prayers
As we lay ourselves before you.

#Help ThyKingdomCome

In our land and across our world during May believers and followers of Jesus were invited to pause and pray for the Kingdom of God to be experienced and evidenced anew. This was a venture created by God through the Archbishop of Canterbury and others.

As part of our daily devotional rhythm there are 11 posts on our website and social media pages – each Saturday morning at 8am – on the various themes brought to us by the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture leaders.

Today we are invited to pause in God’s presence – and bring Him our prayers for His help.strong>

Please take a few minutes to pray your prayers this morning – for others – for yourself.
Ask Father God for His help for something specific.
Name before Him someone in need known to you.
Ask for the Spirit to help each of us to speak up for Jesus – before, during and after Big Alpha.

O LORD our God
We are but jars of clay
Help us
Oh help us!
In Jesus’ name, Amen

Daily Devotions for 6th July, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God
Reading : JOB 42

Meditation : take time to consider these words as your day starts.
Job has suffered much – and not always been given good advice from others
(chapters 1 is worth a read sometime) – But what a final chapter!
What does it teach you? Is there something you need to thank God for today?
What is your response to God’s Word from Job?

Take time out with God in Prayer in response – as God leads you
Praying and Praising!

Oh Father God,
Great and mighty One,
Good and gracious One,
Thank you
Thank you
In Jesus’ name,

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your midday prayer
(See in the magazine or online under the Prayer tab on LK website)
God of grace and mercy…in You we trust…hear our prayers.

Reading : read these words again from Job 42
Reflect on what happened in chapter 1….and then pray…..for others suffering known to you
O Lord, hear our various prayers at this evening hour
And bless each and all we ask, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for BIG Alpha

This morning we are invited to pause and pray together.

For the effective use of the invitation cards now available.

For those who will notice the banner on display.

For those who will visit the website for more information.

For new seedlings to be added to the Kirk’s trellis of growing disciples….by God’s grace.

Daily Devotions for 3rd July, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit
Reading : 1 KINGS 8 verse 1 – chapter 9 verse 9

Meditation : take time to consider all that happens here – and what is said.
What is God saying to you today about Himself? What is your response to Him?

Pray in response – using these verses in your morning prayer

O Living and True God,
O LORD, our Lord,
Hear our morning prayers and praises
As we lay ourselves before you.
In Jesus’ name,
Amen we say together.

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day – where you are
Ask, seek, knock……hear
Father God…thank you.

Reading : read these words again from 1 Kings 8 and 9
Reflect on the images and words – and then Pray in response
(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise – for who God is
Words of trust and thanks – for what God has done today for you
Words of hope and longing – for what God will do in and through you – even tomorrow)

In Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen.