Daily Devotions for Wednesday 31st January, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Three in One

Reading : GENESIS chapter 50 vs 15-26
Meditation : prayerfully consider these words and events this morning
Joseph and his brothers
Joseph’s death

What words stays with you?
Which part of the Joseph story can you imagine most clearly?
What has God been teaching/reminding you from Genesis?

Then pray in response to this God of ours
Pray with honesty
Pray with humility
Pray for an opportunity to tell others today about God’s Good News Story

In Jesus’ name
Amen !


Pray God’s blessing on John and Lindsay and their family
O LORD, hear our prayers and bless them all real good we ask.

Reading : read the verses again from GENESIS chapter 50 vs 15-26
Reflect on the words you read and then pray in response

LORD God, merciful God, our God, hear our evening prayers
As we thank you for all you have provided this day
Our daily bread and living water.
As we thank you for your Church Family worldwide
Telling others about your Good News Story
In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Daily Devotions for FEBRUARY 2024

I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt, where you were slaves.
Exodus 20 verse 2

During 2023 we were looking daily at the theme of TELLING OTHERS THE GOOD NEWS as we journeyed with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John through their gospels.

In 2024 we are considering BEFORE THE GOOD NEWS – GOD’S PLAN BEGINS – as we step back into the Old Testament and pausing at our times of Midday Devotion to pray for others in our church family, our city and our world.

In February we journey together through EXODUS and JOSHUA.

We are all invited to listen for God’s voice and make our response as we journey together in our ‘rhythm of devotion’ in 2024.

These Devotions are but one way to feed on God’s Word in the morning, at midday, in the evening… to pray with Him continually through the day and even to share with others the treasures or hurdles you discover.
The Church website and Facebook page (even on a handy mobile) provide a fuller daily devotional page. However it all follows the pattern below which the information provided fits into, based on the Kirk’s origins of the Celtic and Northumbrian traditions which we started as a church family in 2015.

Reading and Meditation on the content and Prayer of response
Prayer – mostly for others
Verse(s) from the morning reading
Reflection and Prayer at the end of the day

Prayer for the Month of FEBRUARY

O LORD our God
The God of Moses and Joshua
The God of miracles and signs
O LORD our God
Come near to us

O LORD our God
The God of miracles and signs
The God of holy things
O LORD our God
Be merciful to us

O LORD our God
The God of holy things
The God of battles and victories
O LORD our God
Help us we call out

In Jesus’ name
Amen and Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be Your Name.
Your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
Now and for ever

Daily Devotions for Tuesday 30th January, 2024

Upper Room day – time-out with God
Evening Gathering for Prayer (on Zoom)

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : GENESIS chapter 49 v29 – chapter 50 v14
Meditation : consider this passage as your day starts.
Family blessings

What is God teaching/reminding you today?
Who is on your family prayer list at this time?

Take time to Pray in response to the LORD our God
Trusting in Him as you step into this day
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In Jesus’ Name

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
‘Thy Kingdom come’ Father God
LORD our God…thank you.

Reading : read the passage again from GENESIS chapter 49 v29 – chapter 50 v14
Reflect on the words…. And then pray to this God in response

O LORD God, Father God
Hear our evening prayers,
As we return our thanks to you.
As we look back on our day
As we trust you for tomorrow
As we now rest in You this evening
Amen and Amen.

Daily Devotions for Monday 29th January, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord

Reading : GENESIS chapter 49 vs 1-28
Meditation : take time to consider this passage this morning
Jacob blesses his family

Which part of the passage stays with you?
What is your response to the truths behind these words?

Pray in response to what you have read

Thank you Father God for your help and forgiveness and love!
Hear our Monday morning prayers we ask
In and through Christ Jesus we pray together, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on families where there is a lack of peace and blessing
O LORD, hear our prayers and bless them all good we ask – even today.

Reading : read these words again from GENESIS chapter 49 vs 1-28
Reflect on these words and then Pray in response

Thank you Thank you Father God for your help and forgiveness and love!
Hear our Monday evening prayers we ask
In and through Christ Jesus we pray together, Amen.

Thy Kingdom Come 2023/2024 – Cheeky Pandas!

As we move onward towards Thy Kingdom Come 2024….so we keep praying!!

Each Sunday at Midday we have been re-visiting the daily themes of 2023 – including the Cheeky Pandas for a few weeks for the younger members of our Church Family!

Here is a video from them about GENTLENESS – the beach……

Daily Devotions for Sunday 28th January, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : GENESIS chapter 48
We take time to consider these words about this family blessing this particular morning ….

And then pray to God in response
Naming others known to you in your family at this time

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own midday prayer

O God of Adam
Abraham, Jacob and Joseph
Our God
Travel with us

God of beginnings
Journeys, dreams and family
Our God
Go before us

God of future planning
Speaking, moving and tomorrows
Our God
Be with us

Today, tomorrow and forever
In Jesus, name

Reading : read these words again from GENESIS chapter 48
Reflect on these words of family blessing and then Pray in response at the end of your day

O LORD, our Great Hope,
We bring our evening sacrifice of praise to you
For who you are
As we acknowledge You our Help even this day.
As we name others in need
As we pray for the Church Family in all corners of our world
To live and speak of Jesus.
In His saving name, Amen.