Daily Devotions for Monday 22nd March, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord

Reading : JOHN 1 verses 1-18

Meditation : take time to consider this part of the Jesus-story and all that is said by John here.
The Word of Life. God Himself. Jesus.
What does this Jesus mean to you in your life?

Pray in response to what you have read

Thank you Father God for sending Jesus
Thank you Jesus for coming to earth from Heaven
Holy Spirit ever teach us more about this wonderful name.

In and through Christ Jesus we pray together, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on TEARFUND at work in Pakistan in these days
O LORD, hear our prayers and bless them real good we ask – even today.

Reading : read these words again about Jesus – JOHN 1.1-18
Reflect on the words here and then Pray in response

Thank you God for sending Jesus
From heaven to earth
Thank you God for being with me
Thank you God
For being with me tomorrow
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pause to Pray with Others

On this particular Monday..in this season of Lent…as the nation journeys through this further stage of Lockdown.. you are invited to pause and pray with others in our city and across the nation…to the LORD our God, our Father God.

You are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus

For family and friends and neighbours

For all local councillors in our villages and towns and cities at this time

For NHS and Care Home staff across the nation

For our country and our national leaders at this time of decision making

Daily Devotions for Monday 15th March, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : LUKE 6 verses 12-16

Meditation : take the time to consider this short passage today.
Jesus prays before choosing.
What words or images stay with you?
What is God saying to you this morning?
What is on your prayer list today?

Pray in response – to this Jesus

Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise and worship
Of confession and trust
Of need – for yourself and others

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray God’s blessings on TEARFUND at work in Syria in these days
O LORD, have mercy on all we call out and pour rich blessings!

Reading : read the set passage again prayerfully at the end of your day
Reflect….. and then pray to our God who has helped us this day

LORD God, Father God, hear my prayer this evening.
As I thank you for your help this day
As I humbly name others before you.
As I lay myself and this world before you
And decisions I must make
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pause to Pray with Others

On this particular Monday..in this season of Lent…as the nation journeys through this further stage of Lockdown.. you are invited to pause and pray with others in our city and across the nation…to the LORD our God, our Father God.

You are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus

For family and friends and neighbours

For all schools in our villages and towns and cities at this time

For NHS and Care Home staff across the nation

For our country and our national leaders at this time of decision making