Celtic Devotions 19th August


Reading :   2 Samuel 12 vs 1-10
Meditation :   consider all that happens here, what is said, who confronts who
– what verse or person are you drawn to? why is that do you think?
Pray in response to what you have meditated on
Faithful and loving and holy God
Thank you for these verses.
Help me understand You more
And hear what You are saying to me – even this morning – even through another.

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you
even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading :  2 Samuel 12 v 7
Reflect on Nathan’s words to David
and Pray in response – thanking God for those who help us in our Christian journey

Celtic Devotions 18th August


Reading :  John 6 vs 60-71
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ words about the Spirit and the life He gives –
Pray to stick with Jesus
Lord Jesus
Teach me,
Help me
To stick with You
By the power of the Holy Spirit
and show me more of this Life You speak about.
Even today – I ask in Your name.

Pray for those who serve on the Care Van with the homeless in our city

Reading :  John 6 v 68
Reflect on Peter’s words and then Pray in response

Celtic Devotions 17th August


Reading :  John 6 vs 41-59
Meditation :   consider why the Jews grumbled and what Jesus said –  and then
Pray not to be a grumbler!
Lord Jesus
I read these words,
I need to trust You more,
I am sorry when I grumble when You ask me to do something
Or when something doesn’t go my way.
Help me I so pray,
This new day,

Pray a blessing on someone outside of the church family you know.

Reading :  John 6 v 43
Reflect on your day and pray in response to God

Celtic Devotions 16th August


Reading :  Ephesians 6 vs 21-24
Meditation :   consider these words of greeting from Paul to others
Pray a blessing of God’s peace on someone you have not seen recently
LORD of perfect peace
Hear our morning prayer
And grant us Your peace afresh this day.
Amen we say together.

Pray a blessing of God’s peace on a fellow church family member

Reading :  Ephesians 6 vs 23-24
Reflect on on God’s peace and
Pray to receive
(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise – for who God is and for His peace to you.
Words of trust and thanks – for what God has done today for you)
Amen we pray together.

Celtic Devotions 15th August


Reading :  Ephesians 6 vs 10-20
Meditation :   take time to consider how God has provided us with the perfect armour
for the battles we daily encounter –
(which piece do you need? Is there a piece missing today for you?)
and then pray to keep it on!
(Pray your own words in response to what you have read and meditated on –
Maybe praying through each piece? )
In and through Christ Jesus we pray this morning, Amen.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own prayer.

Reading :  Ephesians 6 vs 18
Reflect ….. and pray …..

Celtic Devotions 14th August


Reading :  Ephesians 6 vs 5-9
Meditation :  consider the teaching given here for the workplace – and then
pray to understand these words in our day and age
Thank you for days of work.
Hear our prayers
For managers and bosses
Colleagues and staff
And help us at Liberton to work aright
For You – and You alone.
Amen we say this morning together.

Pray a blessing on Ruth Davies, our busy church Reader

Reading :  Ephesians 6 v 8
Reflect on this verse
And Pray in response