Celtic Devotions 24th October

Reading :  Psalm 96
Meditation :  consider why we should sing to the LORD our God
–  and then do so in your morning prayer to Him
(Pray your own words – based on these verses – at the start of this day
Of praise and worship
Of faith and trust)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing tomorrow as we gather together

Reading :  Psalm 96 v 4
Reflect on these words and then
Praise God in response!

Celtic Devotions 23rd October


Reading :  Jeremiah 23 vs 1-8
Meditation :  consider God’s words of prophecy through Jeremiah
and then pray to know Jesus as King of all kings
O LORD God of this prophecy
Thank You that Your word is true
And Jesus, Your Son, came to earth
And now reigns as King
At Your right hand.
Help us to be King Jesus people – even today!

Pray a blessing on those who serve us in leadership roles at LK
Amen we pray together

Reading :  Jeremiah 23 v 5
Reflect on who you shared Jesus with today
Pray in response

Celtic Devotions 22nd October


Reading :  Jeremiah 18 vs 1-17
Meditation :  consider being clay in the Master Potter’s hands
and Pray to be pliable and useful to Him
Soften my heart, my mind, my will, Lord Jesus
And make me useful
Even to You.
Amen we pray together this new day.

Pray for a longing to know God more…and more

Reading :  Jeremiah 18 v 4
Reflect on God’s shaping of your life
And then Pray to Him in response.

Celtic Devotions 21st October


Reading :   Jeremiah 17 vs 9+10
Meditation :  consider how these two verses speak to you
Pray in response
O God who knows me
Help me to let You search my heart anew I pray
And help me put right what You show me is not pleasing to You
Amen – we pray together.

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you
even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading :  Jeremiah 17 v 10
And then humbly Pray in response.

Celtic Devotions 20th October


Reading :  Jeremiah 17 vs 5-8
Meditation :   consider why trusting in God is best
Pray to do so…. more and more
(Pray your own words to the LORD God
In praise and confession
For yourself, for others.)
O LORD, receive our praise and hear our prayers.

Pray for those using the Upper Room today

Reading :  Jeremiah 17 vs 7+8
Reflect on what these verses say to you
And then Pray in response to God, who knows you so well

Celtic Devotions 19th October


Reading :   Jeremiah 14 vs 10-16
Meditation :  consider God’s strong words here– about His own people
pray for understanding
O LORD our God,
We read these verses this morning.
Teach us their meaning
For my life,
For our lives as Your people.
Help us to trust and obey afresh.
Amen and amen!

Pray for someone outside of the church family you know

Reading :  Jeremiah 14 v 10
Reflect on this verse
and pray in response not to wander from God