Celtic Devotions 10th August


Reading :  Ephesians 4 vs 17- ch.5 v 2
Meditation : consider what it means to live in the light as Christ’s disciples
Pray to do so – as you pray these words slowly and meaningfully
Lord Jesus –
Take my life
Take my hands
Take my mouth
Take my monies
Take my mind
Take my motives
Take my whole life and shine through me
Even this day.

Pray for someone you know who is struggling in life at this time

Reading :  Ephesians 4 v 29
Reflect … and pray ….

Celtic Devotions 9th August


Reading :  Ephesians 4 vs 1-16
Meditation :  consider God’s gifts to the Church – what gifts do you see at LK?
Pray in response for God to use you
(Pray your morning worship to this God in your own words
Words of thanks for His gifts
Words for the Church to grow in our land
Words of willingness and service)
Amen and amen we say together.

Pray God’s blessing on Cammy MacKenzie and the church at Gilmerton

Reading :  Ephesians 4 v 2
Reflect on this verse – and pray it to be so
God of perfect kindness, come into my prayer of praise and worship to You.
Thank you for today, and as I count my daily blessings
Help me to be more humble, more gentle, more patient
And overflowing with Your love.
Even at this time of day.
Amen I pray.

Celtic Devotions 8th August


Reading :  Ephesians 3 vs 14-21
Meditation :   take time to consider this great prayer – and then
pray it in response for yourself this day
Father God
Hear our prayers
And bless us in ways that surpass ourselves
So that You alone have all the glory!
Amen we dare to pray this new day.

Take time to listen for God to speak with you – say nothing – but expect Him to speak

Reading :  Ephesians 3 v 20
Reflect on these words at the end of the day
Pray in response – and give God all the glory for what He is able to do

Celtic Devotions 7th August


Reading :  Ephesians 3 vs 1-13
Meditation :   consider Paul’s ministry – a preacher of the gospel to the non-Jews of his day
Pray with thanks
God of outrageous grace,
Thank You that Your Good News is for all.
Help me – even today – to tell another of Jesus
Whoever and wherever they are!
In Jesus’ Name,  Amen

Pray for someone you know who is suffering or sorrowing

Reading :  Ephesians 3 v 12
Reflect and
Pray to God with confidence!  

Celtic Devotions 6th August


Reading :  Ephesians 2 vs 11-22
Meditation :   consider on all that Christ has done-  as shown in these verses
Pray in response to our God
Thank you God
For sending Jesus indeed.
Thank You Jesus
That You came and served and died.
Help us Holy Spirit
To know Him and love Him more and more.
In Jesus’ Name we pray these words this day,  Amen.

Pray for Liberton Kirk to be a shining light in Liberton and around

Reading :  Ephesians 2 v 14
Reflect on this verse
And Pray your words of response to Jesus, the bringer of peace

Celtic Devotions 5th August


Reading :   Ephesians 2 vs 1-10
Meditation :  consider what it means to be alive in Christ –
and then pray to receive of God’s rich mercy
(Pray your own words
Of praise and faith
For understanding
And of need)
Amen we say together.

Pray a blessing on those who edit and produce the Life & Work magazine

Reading :  Ephesians 2 v 10
Reflect on this great verse written by Paul and Pray in response –
asking God what this means for you