Celtic Devotions Monday 9th


Reading : Isaiah 40 vs 21-31
Meditation : consider God’s message of hope to Israel.
Pray for open ears.
LORD of all hope, I trust in you.
God of eternal hope, we trust in you.
Spirit of hope, may I hear you move through this day
And dare to follow your leading.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your prayer this Monday.

Reading : Isaiah 40 v 21
Reflect on what you want God to teach you more about. Ask Him.
Pray the Prayer for the Month (see magazine or website)

Celtic Devotions Sunday 8th


Reading : 2 Corinthians 13 v 14
Meditation : consider what God wants to give
Pray to receive.
Father God, thank you for this Sunday.
Thank you for all the treasured gifts
You are waiting to give to your people, to me
And those outside of Christ.
Open my heart, my eyes and my hands!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray a blessing of hope and grace on another Edinburgh church.

I still need your help to root my whole life in you.
Reading : 1 Peter 1 vs 3-12
Reflect on where your hope is rooted.
Lord God, at the end of this day
I bring my praise, my prayers, my life
And I lay them all down before you.
You have given me a living hope and yet
So be it – Amen and Amen.

Celtic Devotions Saturday 7th


Reading : Psalm 40
Meditation : consider how waiting on God is rewarded
Pray for patience – expecting you will receive.
O God of loving patience, I need you.
O Rock of Ages, I praise you.
O timeless God, I trust in you.
This day and every day.

Pray for more patience.
Use the morning prayer as you do.

Reading : Psalm 40 v 1
Reflect on God’s answers to you today – what did you specifically ask of Him?
Praise Him for answered prayers and the gift of patience.

Celtic Devotions Friday 6th


Reading : Psalm 41
Meditation : consider how much you need God.
Pray for His companionship through this day.
Help me know that You will travel with me.
Father God, thank you for this new day.
Thank you for starting the day with me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Pray for a sense of the Presence of the Living God.
Lord in the busyness of the day hear our cry.

Reading : Psalm 41 v 1
Reflect on whom you have helped this day
Pray for them by name, trusting them to the God of all grace.

Celtic Devotions Thursday 5th


Reading : Psalms 42 and 43
Meditation : consider the deep, deep wells of your soul.
Pray for a soul-filling deep deep down.
O God of upper and hidden springs,
Fill us in every corner. Fill us to overflowing.
Come to us afresh we ask.
We need You more than any other.
Amen and amen we cry.

Pray for a neighbour or colleague in need of hope in God.
Amen and amen we cry.

Reading : Psalm 42 v 8
Reflect on what song is in your soul.
Pray for your soul to be in tune with God’s melody.

Celtic Devotions Wednesday 4th


Reading : Psalm 44
Meditation : God’s people of old had good and bad times.
O Lord our God, we turn to you at the start of this day.
Pray for faithfulness.
Thank you for being with us in all our days.
Make us faithful and true, loyal and strong we ask.
This is our prayer today as your holy people.

Pause and pray for someone you know struggling in their walk with God.
God of grace and mercy, forgive our unfaithfulness to you
Hear our prayers through Christ our faithful Saviour. Amen.

Reading : Psalm 44 vs 4-8
Reflection : how God has guided you through the day.
Pray humbly at the end of the day.