Daily Devotions for Sunday 23rd June, 2019

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : PSALM 70

Meditation : take time and consider this short prayer this Sunday morning.
What is your response to God’s Word today?

And then pray in response – using these verses
As you pray for yourself
As you pray for others in need

My strength and my salvation
I trust in you!
I call to you!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on someone you prayed for this past week
O LORD, God of mercy, hear our cry and bless this person we ask.

Reading : read these particular verses again from Psalm 70
Reflect on the words and images and then Pray in response to this God of ours
O LORD, hear our evening prayers we ask
As we cry out to you in praise and trust
As we thank you for the blessings of this day
As we pilgrimage on towards tomorrow
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thy Kingdom Come #Praise

As part of our rhythm of daily and weekly prayer and devotion as a Church, we are revisiting the themes of the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture on a Saturday morning.

We are called to pause and pray with praise..
For who the LORD God is
For what He has done in and through Christ Jesus
For the blessings He has given in this past week
For the handiwork of His Creation

We are also encouraged today to pause and pray for the Kingdom of God to be evidenced anew in our day. We are invited to pray for up to 5 people – family, friend, neighbour, colleague – to meet with Jesus.

Daily Devotions for Saturday 22nd June, 2019

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : PSALM 68

Meditation : take the time to consider these verses and all that is said here by David.
What are you encouraged and challenged by?
Which words stay with you as your day starts?

And then take time to Pray in your own words in response to this God
Giving thanks to Him for His guidance and protection.

Amen we pray together this new day!

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your own midday prayer
(See Matthew 6 or online under the Prayer tab on LK website)
Father God of Kingdom grace and mercy hear our prayers.

Reading : read the verses again from Psalm 68
Reflect on the words…. and then Pray in response to what you have read
LORD God, our God, hear our evening prayers
As we thank you for your guidance and protection
Even today.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.