Call to Midday Prayer

At this time of the day
As part of your Holy Week
You are invited to pause and pray with others – including those gathered in the Kirk

You may wish to re-visit the Daily Devotions for today
You may wish to pause and consider the events of that first Easter week
You may wish to speak your own prayer to Father God for those in need known to you today

Daily Devotions for 16th April, 2019

Upper Room day – time-out with God

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : MARK 14 verses 32-50

Meditation : consider these events and the people involved.
What is God saying to you today from this passage?
What is your response?
How would you describe your prayer life at this time?

Take time to Pray in response to the Lord – with honesty and humility

In Jesus’ Name

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
‘Thy Kingdom come’ Father God
LORD our God…thank you.

Reading : read the passage again about Jesus’ prayer and arrest
Reflect on the words and the events here…. And then pray to Father God in response
Father God, our gracious God, hear our evening prayers,
Forgive us
Help us
In Jesus’ name we ask, Amen.

Call to Midday Prayer

At this time of the day
As part of your Holy Week
You are invited to pause and pray with others

You may wish to re-visit the Daily Devotions for today
You may wish to pause and consider the events of that first Easter week
You may wish to speak your own prayer to Father God for those in need known to you today

ONE FRIDAY upper room in the KIRK

This Tuesday
The Kirk will be open

To view the One Friday posters and scriptures

To take time out with God

To pause and consider the Easter events

To pray with others

You are very welcome to visit and make use of this quiet place during Holy Week

Daily Devotions for 15th April, 2019

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord

Reading : MARK 14 verses 12-26

Meditation : take time to consider again this part of the Bible.
What words or images stay with you?
What is God saying to you today?

Pray in response to what you have read – praying for others in your church family

In and through Christ Jesus, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on the trypraying venture across Scotland this month
God of grace and mercy…and hope, hear our prayers.

Reading : read these words again about Jesus and his disciples
Reflect on the people and events here and then Pray in response
LORD God, our God, hear our evening prayers, as we return our thanks to You.
As we thank you for our church family members
As we pray for them by name
In Jesus’ name, Amen
