Daily Devotions for 26th September, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Three in One

Reading : JOHN 1 verses 35-42
Meditation : take time to consider all that happens here and what is said.
What have you learned?
Are you a follower of this Jesus?

then pray to Him in response

O Lord Jesus,
Lamb of God
I hear your voice
I choose to follow you
Closer and closer
Even into this new day.
Amen and amen!


Pray God’s blessing on those recently starting on their Christian walk
O LORD, hear our prayers and watch over each and all we ask.

Reading : read these verses again
Reflect slowly on the words and the people involved and then pray in response to this Jesus
Lord Jesus, here I am, with my questions and my longing to follow you more closely
… hear my evening prayer I ask.

Daily Devotions for 25th September, 2018

Upper Room day and Evening Gathering for Prayer

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : JOHN 1 verses 29-34
Meditation : prayerfully consider the passage this morning.
What words stay with you?
What is your understanding of Jesus being the Lamb of God?

Pray in response to the words you have read
For yourself
For others

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Hear my morning prayer
And lead me through this new day.


Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
Ask…… seek…… knock……….hear!
Father, thank you.

Reading : read the 6 verses again
Reflect on the words…especially verse 29….. and pray in response
LORD God, our God of grace and mercy,
Thank you for sending Jesus
To take away my sin.
Oh may your Holy Spirit
Fill me and freely move in me and through me.
In Jesus’ saving name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for 24th September, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord

Reading : JOHN 1 verses 19-28
Meditation : take time and consider these verses – and the questions asked.
What is God saying to you today at the start of your day?

Pray in response to our God

I read
I believe
Oh help me to be more like Jesus, the Servant King
In all my ways today.
In His name I ask, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on street pastors and evangelists in our land
O LORD, our God, protect each and pour out blessings we ask!


Reading : read these verses again from John 1
Reflect on this Jesus, who was seen and heard by John, and then Pray in response to Him
LORD God, our God, hear our prayers and answer our questions.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Sunday 23rd September, 2018

Who is Jesus?

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : JOHN 1 verses 1-18
Meditation : take time and consider these words written about Jesus.
What do they mean for you?
What does Jesus mean to you?

And then pray in response to this Jesus
Bowing before Him in worship
Thanking Him for coming from heaven to earth


Pray for a Church Family elsewhere in UK to know Sunday blessings
O LORD, our God, have mercy and pour out blessings we ask!

Reading : read the verses again from John 1
Reflect on their meaning for you and then Pray in response, as your day ends

A Celtic Prayer – from St Columba
Alone with none but you, my God,
I journey on my way.
What need I fear, when you are near,
O King of night and day?
More safe am I within your hand
Than if a host did round me stand.

My life I yield to your command,
And bow to your control,
In peaceful calm, for from your arm
No power can snatch my soul.
Could earthly foes ever appal
A soul that heeds the heavenly call?


ThyKingdomCome #help

Thy Kingdom Come was a prayer venture earlier this year in our land and across our world.

We have been pausing each Saturday morning at 8am to revisit the 11 themes raised by the leaders.

Today we are encouraged to bring to God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – our prayers for help
for others
for ourselves
for His Kingdom purposes
for His royal will to be done in our lives

God of grace and mercy

Today we pray
for others known to us

And for ourselves at this time
we ask Your help

In Jesus’ name

Daily Devotions for Saturday 22nd September, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : MATTHEW 7 verses 24-27
Meditation : take time to consider these words – and images – from Jesus.
What is God saying to you today?
What is your response to Him?

And then Pray in response to this Jesus

Amen we pray together this new day.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your midday prayer
(See in the magazine or online under the Prayer tab on LK website)
God of grace and mercy…and hope, hear our prayers.

Reading : read these four verses again from Matthew 7
Reflect on Jesus’ words and then Pray in response
For others known to you at this time
LORD God, our God, hear our prayers at the end of this day.