Daily Devotions for 6th August, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God, the Eternal One
Reading : ACTS chapters 3 and 4

Meditation : take time to carefully consider these chapters as the Church grows.
What is God saying to you today?
What is your response to Him?

Then take time to Pray in response to Him – for evidence of His new life to be visible

Have mercy on us we ask.
Give grace and forgiveness and healing we call out
And hear our morning prayers
That Your new life might be evidenced
Even today.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on those in need of hearing God’s Good News
O LORD, hear our prayers at this time of day and have mercy we ask.


Reading : read the verses again from Acts 3 and 4
Reflect on their meaning for you and pray in response…to the God of healing and new life
O Living and True God, hear our evening prayers
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sinned against us even today.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Sunday 5th August, 2018

Summer Buzz Sunday
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe come to Church!

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit, on this Sunday

Reading : ACTS chapter 2

Meditation : take time to consider these words about the Church being born!
What is God saying to you today from his Word?
Look again at verses 43-47 this morning as you turn to God in prayer.

Pray in response to what you have read and considered

In Jesus’ name we ask to know your blessing as Your Church.
As we thank You
As we confess our sins
As we pray for others
As we open ourselves afresh for Your Holy Spirit to live among us.


Pray for a church near your home to know Sunday blessings
O LORD God, hear and answer our prayers.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Reading : read Acts 2 again as your day ends
Reflect on the truths beyond the words and then Pray to our God …
Including for your Church Family.
O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, hear our evening prayers
As we return our thanks to you for the blessings of this day.
As we open our Church to You
As we name others before You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thy Kingdom Come as it is in Heaven

In our land and across our world during the 11 days leading to Pentecost earlier this year believers and followers of Jesus were invited to pause and pray for the Kingdom of God to be experienced and evidenced anew. This was a venture created by God through the Archbishop of Canterbury and others.

As part of our daily devotional rhythm there have been 11 posts on our website and social media pages – each Saturday morning at 8am – on the 11 themes brought to us by the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture leaders.

Today we are invited to pause in God’s presence – and to pray for His Kingdom to be a reality in our lives – in our church – in our city – in our land – in our world – as it is in heaven.

Please take a few minutes with God – on this particular Saturday – and pause to pray for a Kingdom experience – even today.
Pray to see evidence of His Kingdom rule and blessing in our day.
Pray for His Kingdom will to be done – on earth as it is in heaven.

O LORD our God
Holy Spirit
We call out
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy will be done

Daily Devotions for Saturday 4th August, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus.
Reading : JOHN chapters 20 and 21

Meditation : take time to consider these words afresh this Saturday morning.
What images or words stay with you?
What is God saying to you today from His Word?

Pray in response to Him…our Risen Lord!

O Jesus
Our Risen Lord,
Thank you for what we read
And all you say here.
Hear our prayers
And come to us this day anew we ask
In resurrection life and power!

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your own midday prayer
(See Matthew 6 or online under the Prayer tab on LK website)
Father God of grace and mercy, hear our prayers.


Reading : read these chapters again
Reflect prayerfully on the words and images ….. and then Pray in response
Especially for others who feel lost and let down, in need of being restored
Spirit of the Living God, hear our evening prayers at the end of this day
And be with those we name before you.
In Jesus’ saving name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for 3rd August, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God
Reading : JOHN chapter 19

Meditation : take time to consider this part of the Bible.
How does it encourage or challenge you this morning?
What is your response to God’s Word today?

Take time out with God in Prayer in response – as God leads you
Praying with thanks for Jesus

Oh Father God,
In Jesus’ name,

Pray God’s blessing on Summer Buzz events this weekend
O LORD God, have mercy on this venture in our community and hear our prayers.

Reading : read these words again from John 19
Reflect ….and then pray…..giving thanks for Jesus
O Lord, hear our various prayers at this evening hour
As we return our thanks to You in Jesus’ name, Amen.