Together We Pray in the morning

Today, as the Church of Scotland calls us to a national day of prayer, we pause and pray this morning for our church at Liberton Kirk and the national Church of and in Scotland. There will also be prayers posted at midday and 7pm this evening for our community and our world.
We use a prayer that was used by those who gathered at this week’s Gathering for Prayer in the Kirk.

Prayer for our Local and National Church

Dear God

We pray for our congregation.
May worship be truthful, passionate
and honouring to you.
Whether in ancient hymns or new songs,
may we unite in praise
and offer our whole lives
as worship to you.

In our life together may we encourage
where there is struggle,
celebrate where there is joy,
grow together in our understanding of
the Good News,
be unafraid to challenge,
honest enough to confess our mistakes
and may we remain hopeful
as we dream dreams.

In our mission
make us bold and adventurous.
In our weakness
may we know your strength.
May we have the great joy
of seeing others come to faith in you.
May we be resilient
in our pursuit of justice
and have the humility to share
in the work with others.

May our congregation be a place
where the gifts of many are united
in common purpose,
where all are allowed to flourish
and be valued,
where together
we are built into a dwelling place
for the Holy Spirit,
as together we grow in love.

May our Presbyteries be places of
inspiration, support and encouragement.
Give to them a vision
for what church could be.
Help them to see the possibilities and
to have the courage to reach out in faith.
When faced with difficult decisions
grant them wisdom and grace.

May our councils and committees
seek to support congregations and
presbyteries. With dedicated staff and
enthusiastic volunteers may they be a
force for good throughout our land.

May the Church of Scotland be a place
where the gifts of many are united
in common purpose,
where all are allowed to flourish
and be valued,
where together
we are built into a dwelling place
for the Holy Spirit,
as together we grow in love.