Sunday SUNDAY Sunday

Diaries out!  Come and join us!


3rd  : No Evening Worship

10th : Stage N Slam Launch Service : 6pm at Liberton Northfield

17th, 24th and 31st :  Summer School of Mission at 6.30pm at Liberton Northfield


7th, 14th and 21st :  Summer School of Mission at 6.30pm at Liberton Kirk

28th : No Evening Worship


4th :  6.30pm in the Kirkgate Cafe

Prayer available in Church!!!


Each Sunday morning, after the 11am service, there are opportunities to make use of the Prayer Stations in the church building.

There are members of the Prayer Team on duty in two locations – at the prayer corner near the East Door and at the back of the sanctuary – who are available for prayer ministry – to pray with you about an issue or to give thanks with you for an answer to prayer.

The Prayer Tree is also available at the East Door – for prayer requests and answers to be added – if you prefer not to talk to someone on duty.

We believe in Prayer – let’s put it into practice together!