A Call to Sunday Evening Prayer

As part of the Thy Kingdom Come global prayer venture…..we are invited to….

P ause in God’s presence
R ejoice for the Sunday blessings God gave today
A sk for others known to you to experience His love
Y ield/Yes to sharing His love with others tomorrow

Thy Kingdom Come at Midday

You are invited to pause at this time in your day and reflect on the daily video from Thy Kingdom Come

A Prayer from TKC
Steadfast God, redirect my life and redirect the life of the world.
Help us to live in peace with each other and with the planet.
And today help me to tread lightly on the earth, praying for others that we may all find for ourselves the way of being human that God shows us in Jesus.
Give me the chance to start again. To turn around.

Daily Devotions for Sunday 16th May, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God
‘Thy Kingdom Come’

Reading : PSALM 51

Meditation : take time to consider these words and the theme of SORRY today.
What words or images stay with you?
What is God teaching/reminding you this morning?

And then pray in response…confessing….receiving….
Using verses from this psalm as part of your own prayer this morning

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own midday prayer

Our Father in Heaven
May your holy name be honoured
In our lives
In your Church

Our Father in Heaven
May your kingdom rule be seen
In our lives
In our community

Our Father in Heaven
May your will be done
In our lives
In our nation

Our Father in Heaven
May your kingdom come
May your will be done
In our world

In Jesus’ name

Reading : read these verses again from PSALM 51
Reflect on the words and images and then Pray in response at the end of your day

O LORD, God of mercy and amazing grace,
We bring our evening prayers to you
For who you are
As we acknowledge You our Help even this day.
Forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who have sinned against us even today
As we name others in need
As we pray for all corners of our world
To know of Jesus.
In His saving name, Amen.

A Call to Saturday Evening Prayer

As part of the Thy Kingdom Come global prayer venture…..we are invited to….

P ause in God’s love
R ejoice for the good gifts God gave today
A sk for others known to you to experience His love
Y ield/Yes to sharing His love with others tomorrow

Thy Kingdom Come at Midday

You are invited to pause at this time in your day and reflect on the daily video from Thy Kingdom Come

A Prayer from TKC
Generous God, fill my heart with thanksgiving for all the blessings I receive in life.
Expand my heart, and help me love, support and cherish those who serve me.
And today help me to live as sister or brother to all whom I meet.