Thy Kingdom Come #toJesus

As a Church family we have been revisiting the 11 themes of the Thy Kingdom Come Prayer venture each Saturday morning.

This venture runs for the 11 days leading up to Pentecost and this year will be 21-31 May.

This morning we are encouraged to pause and pray for 5 people we know – in our family, neighbourhood, work, social events – to meet with Jesus and to have Kingdom change in their lives…..even in these uncertain times.

Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
In their lives
We ask
In Jesus’ name

Thy Kingdom Come

As a church family we have been revisiting the 11 themes from the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture last Pentecost on a Saturday morning as we lead up to the 2020 venture before Pentecost this year…..May 21-31.

This morning we are invited to pause in these uncertain times and be still before God…and pray to Him ‘Thy Kingdom Come’

Take time to focus on His Kingdom Will and Purpose as your Saturday starts


And expect to see His Kingdom Come, His will being done in these days….
In our lives
In the lives of others we name before Him
In our community
In our Church
In our land
In our world

Thy Kingdom Come #silence

As a church family we have been revisiting the 11 themes from the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture last Pentecost on a Saturday morning as we lead up to the 2020 venture before Pentecost this year…..May 21-31.

This morning we are invited to pause in these uncertain times and be still before God…

Take time to focus on Him as your Saturday starts





Thy Kingdom Come #celebrate

As a church family we have been revisiting the 11 themes from the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture last Pentecost on a Saturday morning as we lead up to the 2020 venture before Pentecost this year…..May 21-31.

This morning we are invited to pause in these uncertain times and pray to God…in Celebration…

Take time to focus on Him as your Saturday starts

Who He is

What He has done for you in Christ Jesus

The good gifts He has given this past week

And speak or sing out your prayers of celebration to Him!

Call to Tuesday Midday Prayer

You are invited to pause and pray at this time in your day

In these uncertain times

In this season of Lent

To our God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit

You may wish to revisit the Daily Devotions for today as you pray with others….including those in our Church family at this time of further change