#ThyKingdomCome #celebrate

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #celebrate

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers – of praise and adoration and worship – in celebration! As you look back over the past week – try to recall 5 reasons for celebrating God’s goodness and loving-kindnesses.   Give thanks to Him!  Celebrate with Him!

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers of praise and adoration as we celebrate who You are and what You have given to us Your people. We ask You to have mercy and pour out a blessing we ask even this weekend.
Amen we pray together.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #celebrate

#thykingdomcome #adore

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #adore

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers – of praise and adoration and worship.

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers of praise and adoration, have mercy we call out and pour out a blessing we ask even this weekend.
Amen we pray together.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray adore

#thykingdomcome #help

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #help

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers – for those in need of help – even today – and offer your day to Him to be a help to another.

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers this Saturday, have mercy we call out and answer our prayers even this weekend.    Amen we pray together.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #help

#ThyKingdomCome #prayfor

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #prayfor

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers –
Pray for others – in your home, your family.
Pray for others – in your street, your church family.
Pray for others – in your nation, in this world.
Pray for others – as you start your day and will encounter others, in person or in other ways.
Pray for God’s Kingdom blessings to be experienced by others – even today!

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers for others, have mercy we call out and answer our prayers even this weekend.  May it be Your Kingdom will to bless all we name before You –  and all who came and all that happened last week at StageNSlam – refresh Andy now and all in the Team we ask!
Amen we pray together.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #prayfor

#ThyKingdomCome #offer

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #Offer

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers of offering- for His service – for serving others – for offering your time and possessions as He wills.   Ask for and receive His sending.   Take time with Him to consider any step forward that needs to be taken as a result – even if serving Him means changing weekend plans.   Pray also for our nation and our world in these days and for a spirit of serving others to be evident – and especially for all those on the StageNSlam team who have offered next week in service for Jesus.

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers of offering to You, have mercy we call out and hear our prayers this weekend.  May it be Your Kingdom will to bless all who serve and all who come and all that happens next week at StageNSlam. Amen we pray together.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #offer

#ThyKingdomCome #Sorry

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #Sorry

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers of confession- for things done or not done – for things said or not said – for people hurt or ignored.   Ask and receive His forgiveness.   Take time with Him to consider any step forward that needs to be taken as a result.    Pray also for our nation in these days and those who need to say sorry to others.

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers of confession, have mercy we call out and hear our prayers this weekend.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #sorry