Thy Kingdom Come #Praise

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier this year across the world, we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #Praise

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend praise!
Have a praise party with the angels!

Praise you Father God!
Praise you Lord Jesus!
Praise you Holy Spirit!
Praise You for who You are!

Praise You for all You have done!

Praise you for all You are doing!

In Jesus’ name.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #Praise


#thykingdomcome #toJesus

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier this year across the world, we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #toJesus

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend prayers for others.
Find a place to pray for others.
Find a time to focus on others.

Oh  God of saving grace
Thank you for sending Jesus
And your plan of salvation
Hear our cry as we name before you
Those we ask come to Jesus

In Jesus’ name.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #toJesus


As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier this year across the world, we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #ThyKingdomCome

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend prayers.
Find a place to spend with Him.
Find a time to seek first the Kingdom of God

May your kingdom come, your will be done
In my life
In my home
In my street
In my church

In Jesus’ name.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray

#thykingdomcome #silence

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier this year across the world, we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #silence


Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and be still with Him.

Find a place to wait in His presence.

Find a time to listen for His voice.


#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #silence


#ThyKingdomCome #celebrate

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier this year across the world, we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #celebrate

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God , Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend prayers of celebration!
Find a place to celebrate God’s handiwork in Creation!
Find a time to celebrate God’s work of grace in and through your life!


We celebrate Your creative handiwork around us!
We celebrate what we touch and see and feel!
We celebrate all You have provided for us!

We celebrate Your amazing love and grace to us
In and through Christ Jesus.
We celebrate sins forgiven and a living hope beyond the grave!
We celebrate Your life-giving Spirit within us!

We celebrate!
We celebrate
With open hearts and hands and voices
In Jesus’ name.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #celebrate

#ThyKingdomCome #Adore

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier this year across the world, we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #adore

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God , Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend prayers – of praise and adoration.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We pause in Your presence
and offer up our sacrifice of praise
because of who You are
because of Your acts
in creation
and salvation.
We worship and adore You
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The Three in One
Our God

Amen and Amen.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #adore