Thy Kingdom Come #silence

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture last year across the world…and in preparation for May this year… we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #Silence

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able – in silence with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

LORD God, our God
Still our hearts
Our minds
Our lives
And grant us silence
In Your Presence


Thy Kingdom Come #celebrate

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture last year across the world…and in preparation for May this year… we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #Celebrate

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend prayers of celebration!

We look upward and worship you for who you are….our heavenly Father who loves to give us good gifts! We therefore thank you as we remember and celebrate your good gifts received this week. Help us to enjoy and celebrate the good things of your Creation over this weekend. In Jesus name… Amen.

Thy Kingdom Come #adore

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture last year across the world…and in preparation for May this year… we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #Adore

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend prayers of adoration.

We look upward and adore you for who you are.
Oh fill our minds and spirits with your glory and keep our eyes upward as we journey onwards.
In Jesus name… Amen.

They Kingdom Come #Help

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture last year across the world, we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of #help

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend prayers for Help – for yourself and for others.

Father God
Help me when and where I ask you now.

Help those I name before you.

Help those I do not know in need right now. In Jesus name.. Amen.

Thy Kingdom Come #Prayfor

As part of the follow up to Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture across our world last year we have been pausing to pray on a Saturday morning.
Today we are invited to pray along the theme PRAYFOR.

Father God
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
as we pray for
our friends and family
our neighbours and colleagues
our land and our world
and for those we will share today with.
Oh hear our cry and bless those we name before you
In Jesus’ name

Thy Kingdom Come #Offer

As part of the follow-up to the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture last year across the world, we pause as God’s people this weekend and consider the theme again of  #offer

Take a few minutes now – or when you are practically able -with God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and bring Him your weekend prayers of – and offer to Him all that you are and all that you have and all that you plan for the days ahead.

My God

In response
to Your amazing grace and love

I offer to You
All that I am
All that I have
All that I have planned

Take me
Fill me
Use me
For Your Kingdom purposes

Even today

In Jesus’ name.


#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #offer