#ThyKingdomCome #offer

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #Offer

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers of offering- for His service – for serving others – for offering your time and possessions as He wills.   Ask for and receive His sending.   Take time with Him to consider any step forward that needs to be taken as a result – even if serving Him means changing weekend plans.   Pray also for our nation and our world in these days and for a spirit of serving others to be evident – and especially for all those on the StageNSlam team who have offered next week in service for Jesus.

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers of offering to You, have mercy we call out and hear our prayers this weekend.  May it be Your Kingdom will to bless all who serve and all who come and all that happens next week at StageNSlam. Amen we pray together.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #offer

#ThyKingdomCome #Sorry

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #Sorry

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers of confession- for things done or not done – for things said or not said – for people hurt or ignored.   Ask and receive His forgiveness.   Take time with Him to consider any step forward that needs to be taken as a result.    Pray also for our nation in these days and those who need to say sorry to others.

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers of confession, have mercy we call out and hear our prayers this weekend.

#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #sorry

UPPER room and evening Church GATHERING FOR PRAYER

** Will you make use of these opportunities this particular Tuesday – even for a few minutes – and pray for Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done  in our lives, our country and our world in these days – before a break for summer.

Tuesday becomes Upper Room day – 7.30am-7.30 pm – in the space above the Café.

Time out with God  –   this Tuesday.

Cross of thanksgiving.
Bibles and books.

Time out with God.


Time out with God.

** Times of prayer together at 7.30am…..12 noon….7pm

** Time of contemplation 2.45-3.45pm
** Café open 9.30am-2pm and 4.45-8pm

*** In the evening 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 will be the theme for our time together – in prayer – around the Cross – as a local Church Family –

Hopefully you will make one of these times part of your Tuesday.

#ThyKingdomCome #Thanks

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #Thanks

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your weekend prayers of thanksgiving – for who He is – for what He has given you this week – for what He is doing in the lives of others around you, in our church and in our world.  On this 24th of the month we also stand with others around the world in prayer for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine.

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers of thanksgiving, have mercy we call out and hear our prayers this weekend.


#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #thanks

UPPER room

** Will you make use of this space this particular Tuesday – even for a few minutes – and pray for Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done  in our lives, our country and our world in these days?

Tuesday becomes Upper Room day – 7.30am-7.30 pm – in the space above the Café.

Time out with God  –   this Tuesday.



Cross of thanksgiving.

Bibles and books.


Time out with God.





Time out with God.

** Times of prayer together at 7.30am…..12 noon….7pm

**Time of contemplation 2.45-3.45pm

** Café open 9.30am-2pm and 4.45-8pm



#ThyKingdomCome #Praise

As part of the follow-up to the recent Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture, today we pause as God’s people and prayerfully consider the theme again of #Praise

Take a few minutes now with Father God to bring Him your worship and praise – for who He is – for what He has given you this week – for what He is doing in the lives of others.  Bring Him also your prayers for all affected and involved in the tragedy in London this week.

Our Father in heaven, receive our prayers of praise, have mercy we call out and hear our prayers.


#thykingdomcome #pledge2pray #praise