A place with space
To take time-out
With God

There are aids and resources to help
A Cross
Big Alpha

There are times to pray with others
8-8.15 am
12 noon-12.30pm

Please note – the Room will be open 8am-4pm
and the Café below 9am-2pm

Please use this place – this Tuesday?
Please take time-out with God – where you are.

Tuesday PRAYER Upper Room

Holy Week.

Time out.

Holy Week.

Tomorrow the UPPER ROOM will be open for an opportunity during this particular week to take time out with God.

A place with space.
A place with aids and resources to help – or not.


Times of Prayer with others are available….7.30-8am….12-12.30pm and at 7pm….before we gather as a Church at 7.30-8.30pm.

Tuesday is UPPER ROOM day

A place with space.

A space for time out with God.

A place to pray…meditate…reflect…pause…

A space for praying for Big Alpha.

Sofas, cushions, candles, Bibles, books, windows……are all available to be used.

7.30am – 7.30pm

7.30-8am…12 noon – 12.30pm and 7-7.30pm……Offices of prayer for those available to pray with others.

2.45-3.45pm….a time of contemplation

9am-4pm….the café below is open

UPPER Room Tuesday

Tomorrow – 7.30am-7.30pm – a place with space – for time out with God.

The room above the Kirkgate Café becomes the UPPER ROOM.

There is plenty of time and space for you – with sofas, Bibles, music, cushions, candles, a cross of thanksgiving and the Big Alpha prayer tree…..

There are offices of prayer together for 20-30 mins at 7.30am…12 noon and 7pm.

** There is a Church Gathering for Prayer in the Kirk at 7.30pm
as we hand BIG ALPHA over to God
(2 Chronicles 20 and Philippians 4.4 are worth a read if you are unable to join the Church Family)

** The Kirkgate Café will be open 9am-8pm.