Pause to Pray with Others

On this particular Sunday…as the nation journeys forward with hope out of this season of Lockdown.. you are invited to pause and pray with others in our city and across the nation…to the LORD our God, our Father God.

You are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus

For family and friends and neighbours

For all Church leaders around the world at this time

For NHS and Care Home staff across the nation

For our country and our national leaders at this time of decision making

Together We Pray in the evening

Today, as the Church of Scotland calls us to a national day of prayer, we pause and pray this evening for the world and the world-wide Church. We use a prayer that was used by those who gathered at this week’s Gathering for Prayer in the Kirk.

Prayer for the World and the World-Wide Church

Dear God

We pray for our Church:
many parts yet one body
under the authority of Jesus Christ.
From north to south, east to west,
help us build your Kingdom,
to see lives transformed.

We ask that in your power
we would be mobilised
as your body
to continue your work.
Of healing
of showing practical care and love
and of building your kingdom here on earth.

Grant wisdom and love to Church leaders,
so that the way churches interact
would reflect the love of brothers and sisters
and would reflect your love for us.

We Pray for our brothers and sisters
that face persecution for their faith.
That have to meet in secret,
and suffer fear and brutality.
Strengthen them in their time of trial,
Comfort them in their time of sorrow,
Deliver them from evil, we ask.

We pray for our world,
So much suffering and indifference,
Yet so much good and happiness as well.
We pray for your presence
to be in our rejoicing
and in our distress.

In famine,
in drought,
in war,
in poverty,
in political turmoil,
in response to terrorism,
in tribal conflict,
to refugee’s,
Bring your peace and healing
your compassion and provision
reconciliation and aid.


The Church at Canning Garden Methodist in Malaysia, our twinned church family.