Celtic Devotions 29th March


Reading :  Mark 11 vs 1-11
Meditation :  consider the scene, how the crowds shouted out
Pray aloud your Hosannas!
Father God, thank you for this Sunday.
Thank you for Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus that you humbly came to earth.
Hosanna I sing out – louder and louder.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Make Hosannas your prayerful song through the day!
(see Matthew 21 v 9 below)

Reading : Mark 11 vs 9 and 10
Reflect on your day and pray evening Hosannas!

(Imagine the scene in Jerusalem and pray your words
Of praise to Jesus
Of praise for Jesus
Of Hosannas – over and over again!)

The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,
“Hosanna to the Son of David!”
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
Matthew 21 v 9