Celtic Devotions 9th August


Reading :  Ephesians 4 vs 1-16
Meditation :  consider God’s gifts to the Church – what gifts do you see at LK?
Pray in response for God to use you
(Pray your morning worship to this God in your own words
Words of thanks for His gifts
Words for the Church to grow in our land
Words of willingness and service)
Amen and amen we say together.

Pray God’s blessing on Cammy MacKenzie and the church at Gilmerton

Reading :  Ephesians 4 v 2
Reflect on this verse – and pray it to be so
God of perfect kindness, come into my prayer of praise and worship to You.
Thank you for today, and as I count my daily blessings
Help me to be more humble, more gentle, more patient
And overflowing with Your love.
Even at this time of day.
Amen I pray.