Celtic Devotions 15th November

Reading :  Isaiah 40 vs 1-11
Meditation :   consider God’s great words of comfort, spoken through Isaiah
Pray to receive His comfort and reward
LORD of all comfort,
God of perfect peace,
Hear our morning prayer
And grant us Your presence afresh this day.
We each have our own need…hear our cry this morning.
Amen we say together.

Pray a blessing of God on who was preaching this morning
LORD, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Isaiah 40 vs 9-11
Reflect on these words at the end of your day and
Pray in response
(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise – for who God is and for His peace to you.
Words of trust and thanks – for what God has done today for you)
Amen we pray together.