Celtic Devotions 24th December

Reading :  John 15 v 18 – ch.16 v 4
Meditation :  consider what Jesus is teaching here…
and Pray in response, in our world, on Christmas Eve
Saviour God,
This world is not our home – thank you.
Help us, protect us, guide us in this world – we call out.
Forgive us when we get too comfy here – please.
And make us more like Jesus – this world needs Him so badly.
Amen we pray together this day.

Pray God’s blessing on the residents and staff at Braid Hills Nursing Home.
Father God, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

Reading :  John 15 vs 18-19
Reflect on these words again and Pray in response,
Giving thanks for those around the world, and in Liberton, who share the Good News.
O God, hear our evening prayers.