Celtic Devotions 3rd January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit.
Reading :  Genesis 3
Meditation :   consider what went wrong –   Pray to understand
and then pray not to be someone who blames others
Prayer of response
Help me to realise the extent of how much You have forgiven me
And help me to love and serve and worship You all the more.
Even this new day.
I pray this simple prayer in Jesus’ name,   Amen.

Pray a blessing of God’s grace on all the churches in SE Edinburgh
God of mercy, hear our prayer.

Reading :  Genesis 3 vs 8-13
Reflect on these words and pray not to hide from God
LORD God, at the end of this Sunday
I bring my evening praise, my prayers, my life
And I now lay them all down before you.
I read these familiar verses again and
God of grace and forgiveness,
I ask for Your help to walk with You anew – even now.