Celtic Devotions 18th February ’16


Pray to hear and receive from Jesus.
Reading : Matthew 28 verses 18-20
Meditation : consider what these words teach about what Jesus expects of His disciples
…..and that it hasn’t changed for our day

Pray to be a disciple-maker, with the Spirit’s enabling
Lord Jesus,
We thank you that all over this world the Church is growing,
Help us, by the Spirit’s power
To make more disciples
To be just like You
And may Your kingdom come and Your will be done
In us and through us in our world.


Pray God’s blessing on all those named on people’s lists in the Catching the Wave booklets
O LORD, hear our prayers. 


Reading : Psalm 119 verses 121-128

Reflect on these words….. and Pray in response
God of all grace, hear our evening prayers.