Daily Devotions 18th June 2016


Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God, the Eternal One

Reading : 1 PETER 1 verses 1-12
Meditation : take time to consider Peter’s great words of praise in these opening verses!

Pray in response – with praise to this God – and for the words to be a living reality for you
As we open our hearts to You this morning
In worship and praise
For all you have done in Christ Jesus,
Teach us more of Your truth
And bring these words to life
Even in and through our living sacrifice to you.
Amen and amen we pray together this new day.


Pray for those who feel everything is against them in life at this time
O LORD, hear our prayers! 


Reading : read Peter’s words again

Reflect on their truth and pray in response…with praise!
King of kings, receive our praise and hear our evening prayers.