Daily Devotions for 10th September 2016



Pray to hear and receive from Jesus.

Reading : Hebrews chapter 1
Meditation : consider all that is said here about Jesus.
What do you learn? What are you reminded about? What is God saying to you today?

Pray in response…in praise and worship…for Jesus

O God, our God,
Hear our prayers
And receive our morning praise and worship for Jesus.
In His name we ask- Amen.


Pray for Edinburgh and Scotland to experience God’s saving grace
And may Messy in the Park today at Craigmillar be a small part of that.

O LORD, hear our prayers and pour out your grace we ask. 


Reading : read the verses again from the book of Hebrews
Reflect on this Jesus….. and Pray in response to Him at the end of your day

Living Lord Jesus, hear our evening prayers.