Daily devotions for 22nd June, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : 1 Peter 4 verse 7

Meditation :   take time and consider all that is said here in this one verse.
What words do you focus on?
What is God saying to you this morning? What is your response to Him?

then pray in response

(Pray your own words to the LORD God
In worship and thanks for what you have read,
In confession and need to be more like Jesus,
For yourself and for others.) 

O LORD, receive our praise and hear our prayers,
And by Your Holy Spirit may these be true and living for me.



Pray God’s blessings of grace and peace on the Church in Malaysia.
O Father God, have mercy and hear our prayers.


Reading : read verse 7 again

Reflect slowly on these words at the end of your day
and Pray in response to this God who inspired them

O LORD, hear our evening prayers and work out these truths even in my life.

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