Daily Devotions for 31st August, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : EXODUS 40 verses 34-38

Meditation :   take time and consider these few verses.
What do they say to you?
Where has God taken you this past month?
Where do you long to see the glory of the LORD?                        

then pray in response to Him 

O LORD, receive our praise and hear our prayers this morning.
Thank you for rescuing and saving us.
Forgive us when we wander from your laws.
And hear us as we call out for you to lead us forward.
For yours is the power and the glory!



Pray God’s blessing on the growing Church in Saudi Arabia

O LORD, thank you! Continue to have mercy there we call out.


Reading : read these few verses again

Reflect on these words at the end of your day, your month
and Pray in response to this God, our God.

LORD, hear our evening prayers
As this day closes
As this month ends
As we thank you for Exodus
And that you haven’t finished with us yet!

In Jesus’ name,

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