Daily Devotions for 16th November, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : MARK 15 verses 16-32

Meditation :   take time and consider these words and events.
What do they say to you today?

then pray in response – to this Servant King of ours

(Pray your own words to the Lord, Jesus the Christ
For what you have read,
For yourself and for others
Even those who shout insults.) 

O Servant King, hear our prayers,
And by Your Holy Spirit reach and save those we name before you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Pray God’s blessings on those who serve in the Kirkgate Café today.

O Father God, show mercy and hear our prayers.


Reading : read these verses again from Mark 15

Reflect slowly on the words and events at the end of your day

and Pray in response to our God – for others in our world at this time

O LORD our God, who loves the world so much,
hear our evening prayers in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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