Daily Devotions for 9th February, 2018


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading :   2 CORINTHIANS 4 vs 7-15

Meditation : carefully and prayerfully consider these great words again this morning.  What is God saying to you today about His ways and purposes?

Which words will you hold on to today?

And then Pray in response – as God leads you
Invite and allow the Holy Spirit to bring words and images to your mind.

Pray with confidence to our God, the Giver of this treasure. 

Amen – we pray together.


Pray for peace in our world in these days.

Oh LORD God, Father God, hear our prayers. 


Reading : read these set verses again

Reflect on the words you have just read and then pray in response to this God of ours

Oh Lord Jesus, Treasure of all treasures, hear our evening prayers

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