Daily Devotions for 4th July, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God
Reading : 1 KINGS 18 and 19

Meditation : take time to consider all these events.
What do they say to you this morning?
Ponder again verses 12 and 13 in chapter 19.

Then take time to Pray with this God, our God.
Listening for His voice.
Asking Him to speak with you
Telling Him exactly how it is for you in your life

In Jesus’ Name

Pray God’s blessing on the Ministry Team at LK
O LORD God, have mercy on those we name before you and hear our prayers this day.

Reading : read these verses again from 1 Kings
Reflect on the words and images …. and pray to the God who was with Elijah – our God.
Hear our evening prayers, O God.
As we name our battles before You
And as we still ourselves with You at the end of this day.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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