Daily Devotions for Friday 31st August, 2018

And so we come to the final chapters of the Bible….

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus
Reading : REVELATION chapters 21 and 22

Meditation : take time to consider all that is said here at the close of the Bible.
Which words or images stay with you?
What is God saying to you today from His Word?
What is your response to Him?

Pray to this LORD our God in response to what you have read
Look again at verses 20 and 21 of chapter 22

O Living LORD,
I read these words.
Oh help me believe
And trust in You
And all that is to come!
Help me see you resplendent and majestic!
Keep my gaze upwards and forwards!!
Amen – we pray together

Pray God’s blessing on a funeral parlour near your home
Father God, hear our prayers and bless them real good we ask

Reading : read this passage again from Revelation
Reflect on this God and pray in response to Him
Living Lord, hear our evening prayers and receive our praise
At the end of this study
At the end of this month
Lift our eyes ever heavenward!
Tonight, tomorrow and until You come!
Amen and Amen and Amen!

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